...you'll have to share your adventures.
Diana ...
I would love to share my "adventures" ... But, is that permitted here in the "welcome" forum?
Later, when I finally get a bit settled everywhere, I'll be able to include little Klickys in my adventures. But, for now, most are still in their shipping cartons, waiting patiently, at our home (which we are renovating) on Vancouver Island.
We are also totally renovating our home in the Virgin Islands (which should take a year or so to finish). Hopefully, our home on Vancouver Island will be finished sometime in May when we return to Canada. In the meantime, we're travelling back and forth between our condos in Fort Lauderdale and St. Thomas. Great fun ...
Please let me know what the "rules" are here at Playmofriends, as I want to be a "law abiding" member ...
All the best,