Thanks, Ras ...
I can't wait to see what MacGayver will do with that Galleon.
Actually, it would be fun to put one in "dry dock" for awhile and "repair" it.
It would really go well with the new conquistadors.
see attachments
Although an internal voice tells me "never underestimate M. MacGayver", I can tell that it musn't be an easy task, and, if I'm not mistaken, he said this himself, somewhere, a while ago ...However, the galleon is very promising!
in my point of view ...
THANKS! Lars, for bringing this, you noticed, here to share with us
In general discussion I think it's -- if not better -- at least expected that Playmobil has launched the Ghost Pirate theme separately. I'm only very, very unhappy that there isn't a "collector's corner" in the Playmobil official business, so that, for instance, Vikings or say, Victorian! could still be produced, even if in smaller scale. I can't accept the discontinuing action. I'll go on loosing and loosing, and always dreaming about the past, because I'll always buy very little stuff of everything. And, with me, many people.
Who knows, someday, it'll change ...