In addition to the new ghost pirates the new "Sammelspass figures" have also been added to the site
Click here.
...and the new Specials.
Now we get a closer look at the the wolf knights, I'm even keener to get my set.
The tarnished look of their armour is great, and the fact that they've used a different type for each figure will give lots of customising possibilities. I hope the sets aren't too expensive, but I'd guess £4 each for the figure + wolf, and £6 for the catapult guy.
The Masai warrior is definitely going to be a multiple purchase for me, despite his white leopardskin, and the Cossack looks brilliant, the long leather boots + baggy breeches look just right. He's been given both a waist belt and a shoulder belt, and now we can clearly see these are the usual parts and not a combined new part. I can see this figure being useful for multiple customisations too.
The 4684 Special I feel is a bit of a cut & shut, using most of the hamian archer plus a Spanish Morion helmet, but the new scutum might be useful, so I'l probably end up with several of these anyway.