I like the way you think, starhorse!
Off the top of my head, I would hope to see:
- 4-way wall connectors in all wall styles & colors
- blank timbered walls (no windows or doors, as in some of the really old sets, such as the bakery mentioned below)
- all parts in various colors, i.e. stone walls in black (already done in a limited way with set
5725), white, sand, etc.
- more types of buildings with unique features (such as the big window in the old bakery set
3441), and the balcony in some old castle sets such as set
Still thinking . . . .
P.S. Sorry for not putting in links - too frustrating - will someone please remind me how to link to playmodb? I have forgotten the trick. Thanks!
- Anne
P.P.S. I came back and put the links in - see explanation below.