Once upon a time there were two brothers. These brothers were always looking for new experiences. On a long and mystical night the two had gotten lost in the woods.
Luckily or unluckily for them they happened upon a tribe of men known for their fascination of winged creatures. After a short introduction the brothers had taken a keen interest in the tribes wealth of gold. The one brother devised a plan to use the ancient art of genetic engineering to capitalize on the situation.
The two brothers set up shop and began their experiments. They had the intent to make some-sort of small chicken crossed with a lizard.
They had everything going fine until their other discoveries had ignorantly been consumed. Oh those two just could not stay on the wagon. In a chaotic, altered state of mind thing happened that to this day are a mystery.
In a delusional state, the brothers delivered the experiment for payment.
With the instructions the Tribe took the package and placed it into a dark, moist, warm cave.
a few months later.......
In a ceremonious display the brothers creature slowly crept out of its birth place to an anxious crowd.
Using the ancient art of signaling the creature was guided out of it's cave
slowly the signals lured it out and out until a very hungry, eager beast in a burst of light, had lifted off .
Mean while..........
In a town not too far away life was as always, consistent. We had the ranch with it many duties and visitors .
we had the town hoodlums and antagonizers in there favorite watering hole
Little did anybody realize they were about to have an unexpected nightmare visit the sleepy little outpost.
To be continued..................