That's the one - 2-5 weeks is the estimate there, I've been waiting about three so far.
The UK parts department is certainly more reliable than the US one - they supplied 25 cavalrymen, though 4 signifers had to be sent back as painted ladies. I got a lot of shields, helmets and gladii via parts there too, and wish I'd got all my auxilairies that was to avoid the greaves problem. I may yet order a dozen or so auxiliaries with leather sandals to replace the greaves guys..
50 of the figures came via Gepetto, so thanks again for the Parthian Archers and fur-booted German Auxiliaries units - couldn't have done this without him. The Hamian Archer figures (both remaining as archers and transformed into Auxiliaries) mainly came from Play 1-2-3 on eBay, who dug them out specially on my request and put them up as a buy-it-now for me, at less than the figures would have cost to assemble via the parts department.
It's been fun and occasionally aggravating assembling my Legion, but I think I'm 99% there now. 11 centuries of 24 figures, so many that I can't get them all on the same display table, at least with the Hadrian's wall backdrop in place.
I also have the 6 Legates, the Praefectus Castrorum, and a dozen spare officer figures whose roles are yet unfixed. A couple will command the siege engines, and a couple more the baggage train. I may also have a gate commander.