I don't know why thay haven't done this more if the machines are capable of it, except I guess it costs a little more. It'd be nice on Specials, but I'm hoping it's a practise that will increase.
My back-print Romans all have red cloaks so you can't see the back printing - I've considered replacing the cloak with a red scarf or neckerchief, but I think they need something round the neck to look right.
I agree that having the printing on the back is very nice. I wish they had done that with the regular Roman klickies.
I'd personally hate to cover up that back printing with a cloak, so I'd opt for the scarf or neckerchief idea, as he does indeed look odd without something on his neck. I plan to order some white ruffled clown collars for my new conquistadors as their bare necks look odd too.
The Roman Special wears odd armor, but I kind of like it, even though it's not completely authentic. The shoulders resemble the segmentata but the body parts look like large scales or small plates. Starting in the late Third Century, large scale armor began to appear and mail became popular again as the segmentata faded away. (See the Osprey Praetorian book with the Guardsmen under, I think, Caracalla). Of course this is when the Empire started its decline. As I've written in other threads, I'd give the Roman Special the red scarf in some of the Western sets and a red oval shield and make him part of the Emperor's German Guard or a German auxiliary cavalryman. Also, in my opinion, the Roman Centurion Special is better as an enemy or ally of Rome rather than a Roman!