Author Topic: New USA Target-Sets 5827-5832, 5836, 5838, 5842, and...4775(!)  (Read 17659 times)

Offline Jimbo

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Re: New USA Target-Sets 5827-5832, 5836, 5838, 5842, and...4775(!)
« Reply #60 on: August 10, 2008, 23:26:15 »
   .  I just wish Playmobil would stop using the colorful sails with holes in them and stick to white intact ones.

Me too! :yup:

Offline Justindo

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Re: New USA Target-Sets 5827-5832, 5836, 5838, 5842, and...4775(!)
« Reply #61 on: August 11, 2008, 00:35:12 »
Donmobil has some great ideas!  Below are my modified suggestions for Playmobil.

First, I would definitely buy a brown and black monk blister pack!

Second, regarding the British redcoat and French bluecoat soldiers for the pirates, I think the best thing would be to produce one blister pack with one British redcoat private (no arm chevrons, thank you, as, like Donmobil, we all have WAY too many sergeants and not enough privates!).  The British redcoat could look similar to the current one except I'd give him regular black boots (not the high ones like in the current redcoats) and silver cuffs instead of the current white ones.  The French bluecoat private could stay mostly as is with his red collar, epaulettes, and cuffs, but I'd give him white trousers with regular black boots, not shoes.  Both privates should have brown hair in a ponytail, brown mustaches, a black tricorne hat and a musket with bayonet.  I would buy dozens of these!

In addition to the above blister pack, Playmobil could add the following to their Direct Service Add-Ons.  They could offer both a British Redcoat and a French Bluecoat 3-man Direct Service Add-On package.  Each would consist of one corporal with a fife, one corporal with a drum, and one sergeant with a flag.  Make them identical to the privates above, except give them the appropriate chevrons (silver for the British and gold for the French), eliminate their crossed shoulder belts, muskets, and bayonets, and give them a black shoulder sword belt with a silver sabre.

Finally, Direct Service could have two Add-On "leader" packages.  The British redcoat officer could have the torso from 30 00 0542 (red coat with black folded back edges and gold buttons), the legs from 30 00 4162 (white trousers and high black boots with gold tassels), black cuffs, gold epaulettes, a gold shoulder sword belt, a gold sabre, a white ponytail wig, a black mustache, and a black tricorne hat with decoration and white feather.  The French bluecoat officer could be identical to the British redcoat officer except with the standard French bluecoat torso and gold cuffs.

These simple blister and Add-On packs would be easy for Playmobil to produce and would be huge sellers with not only children but also the the adult crowd who collect the pirate themes and like wargaming.  Add some Native Americans from the Western sets you've got an instant Seven Years War army!

I guess I'll keep dreaming.
:egypt: :roman: :viking: :knight: :arrr: :indian: :cowboy:

Offline Donmobil

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Re: New USA Target-Sets 5827-5832, 5836, 5838, 5842, and...4775(!)
« Reply #62 on: August 11, 2008, 04:24:32 »
Also, a 2-pack of Blue Coats just like the 30 00 8960.  The first one would be the same except have the shako and chin strap from set# 5580 Soldiers on parade, perhaps a 1-pack with a horse for mounted troops.

The second Blue Coat, another 30 00 8960 but with the white clip-on front and the Bearskin hat with chin strap as in set # 5581 royal Guard.

If one was using the Blue Coats as French verses the British (the Red Coats) then these klickies would represent the Old Guard and the Young Guard or French Cavalry.

Sure would be nice, lots of klickys to buy and get lots of horses to make cavalry.

And while we are wishing, how about re-issuing the artillary guns like the ones from the Western series.  I'd settle for non firing guns just to get them.  And add the ammo, either the shells or the small cannon balls.  Even with non firing guns, the ammo can be used as markers.  Every time a gun is 'fired' a shell or ball would be removed to mark off rounds fired.

That's it for now...

-- Donmobil

Offline Gustavo

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Re: New USA Target-Sets 5827-5832, 5836, 5838, 5842, and...4775(!)
« Reply #63 on: August 11, 2008, 04:27:52 »

I guess I'll keep dreaming.

on eBay, "god-forbid" ...


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Re: New USA Target-Sets 5827-5832, 5836, 5838, 5842, and...4775(!)
« Reply #64 on: August 11, 2008, 05:51:56 »

Hey Gordon if Martin can't find it (Targets here are crazy inconsistent) I can grab you one. 

Hi Tim, thanks for the offer; I'll get back to you in the light of Martin's expedition.  There are one or two friends I would like to send this set to.
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Offline Martin Milner

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Re: New USA Target-Sets 5827-5832, 5836, 5838, 5842, and...4775(!)
« Reply #65 on: August 11, 2008, 07:07:08 »
I can't see Playmobil releasing Blister packs of figures that are already available from DS, that seems pretty pointless to me. They've messed up the Rev soldiers with too many NCOs, but it is at least possible to create a unit that way.

I also can't see a pack with two identical figures, that hasn't been the case so far and also seems pointless.

A blister of any two of the of the Nun, Priest or Monk figures would be wonderful, and I think would sell really well.

Justin, I don't think moustaches were acceptable facial hair for British Redcoats at any era - sideburns yes but not moustaches, they were reserved for NCOs and officers. The crossed white shoulder belts are what make the British Redcoats for me, I an't see why you'd want them left out?

Gepetto - I'll be sure to check Fred Meyer stores when I'm in Dallas - less than a week and I'll be there!

Offline Kelly

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Re: New USA Target-Sets 5827-5832, 5836, 5838, 5842, and...4775(!)
« Reply #66 on: August 11, 2008, 13:41:46 »
Pretty sure there aren't any Fred Meyers stores in Dallas, Martin.  That's a north-western chain and there weren't any there when we lived in Dallas a couple of years ago.  Target and TRU are pretty much it for Playmo unless you go to the specialty toystores.  What part of Dallas are you going to? I can call around and find out if anyone has what you want.  My cell phone still has a Dallas area code, so it's no problem and no long-diatance fees.


Offline Martin Milner

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Re: New USA Target-Sets 5827-5832, 5836, 5838, 5842, and...4775(!)
« Reply #67 on: August 11, 2008, 14:08:34 »
Hmm, I think you're right and there still aren't any Kelly.

However I've still got Target, TRU, ther's a super Walmart that might be in range, I'm told Steinmart sometimes carries Playmobil, and I know there's a speciality toystore in the Grapevine Mills Mall. If I can't come home with some new Playmo, then my 2 suitcases are going to be rattling.

I'll be staying at the Sheraton Grand, on West John Carpenter Freeway, just NE of DFW Airport.

Offline Justindo

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Re: New USA Target-Sets 5827-5832, 5836, 5838, 5842, and...4775(!)
« Reply #68 on: August 11, 2008, 19:09:27 »
The table and chest are currently available from DS, but I would love to get my hands on some of those medieval chairs!

I can't see Playmobil releasing Blister packs of figures that are already available from DS, that seems pretty pointless to me. They've messed up the Rev soldiers with too many NCOs, but it is at least possible to create a unit that way.

I also can't see a pack with two identical figures, that hasn't been the case so far and also seems pointless.

A blister of any two of the of the Nun, Priest or Monk figures would be wonderful, and I think would sell really well.

Justin, I don't think moustaches were acceptable facial hair for British Redcoats at any era - sideburns yes but not moustaches, they were reserved for NCOs and officers. The crossed white shoulder belts are what make the British Redcoats for me, I an't see why you'd want them left out?

I agree that the blister packs must have two different figures so there can be some conflict.

You're right about the mustaches on the British soldiers, Martin.  That was an oversight on my part.  Regarding the crossed white shoulder belts, I think they should remain on both the British and French soldiers but should be absent from the officers, obviously, and probably the NCOs.
:egypt: :roman: :viking: :knight: :arrr: :indian: :cowboy:

Offline Kelly

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Re: New USA Target-Sets 5827-5832, 5836, 5838, 5842, and...4775(!)
« Reply #69 on: August 11, 2008, 21:50:06 »
Hey Martin,

I made some calls and your Playmobil hunt may prove to be a long one . . .

None of the toy stores in Grapevine Mills carry Playmo anymore.  Two used to but no longer do, due to unpopularity (huh???).  I had them both check to make sure there weren't any clearance sets lurking in the stock room to no avail.

The nearest Target to your hotel is about three miles away at 7845 N. MacArthur Blvd.  They only have the older stuff and plan to reset this week - so you may be in luck there.  It would be worth a trip if you are renting a car, or a call if you are travelling by cab.  The number is 972-506-9924.  Currently they have the old blister packs (pirates, knights, mermaid), the pirate island, and a very few other things that the guy on the phone couldn't remember.  I asked specifically about the new elf knights and dragon knights and arena . . . - not yet available.

The nearest TRU is 11 miles from your hotel 3125 W. Airport Freeway in Irving 972-252-5959.  They have mostly older stuff, but some cool things if you don't mind going this far (which for Dallas isn't far at all as you can travel for nearly 80 miles in one direction before you get out of the city).  The salesman there reports that they have (I can get the set #s if you need them) the pirate ship with island, the racecars in red and green, the police boat, a swat helicopter chasing a jet-skier set, the dolphin superset, an airplane, a motorcross set, a shark and diver set (cool, I have this one) Pirate/Knight/Mermaid blister packs and SWAT/Fireman/Pirate carry-along cases.

There are a couple of specialty toy stores in the Dallas area that sell Playmobil, but they will only have the same stuff that you can get from DS - I don't think they ever get any exclusive to the US sets (but I'll call around if you are looking for anything special).
