Author Topic: Fan Community Representation in Playmobil: Is it real?  (Read 6402 times)

Offline Gustavo

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Fan Community Representation in Playmobil: Is it real?
« on: July 19, 2008, 15:02:24 »
Fan Community Representation in Playmobil:
Is it real?

Can it be done?
What can we do?

What's your opinion?
What's the your range of interaction with geobra Brandstätter?

Do you want to help?
What can we ("I") do?

Offline Gustavo

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Re: Fan Community Representation in Playmobil: Is it real?
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2008, 15:12:50 »
Hello, Playmofriends!

I decided to post this because my range of interaction with gB is pratically nul ...

And also because I have opinion(s) that I'd like to share, but I'd like this in a way of leading to help, not protest or complain, which, in the case of the toys "cause" ("Democratically" speaking) helps nobody, worse: only makes people sad and bitter.

So, what's your opinion on the matter? We're fans, and a bit like children asking father christmas our wishes, in a way ... If we behave, says the tradition, we'll have something. If we misbehave, I'm sorry: empty socks, and that's it.

Do you think we could begin such discussion?


Offline Richard

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Re: Fan Community Representation in Playmobil: Is it real?
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2008, 17:02:28 »

Gus, would you like someone from the "fan community" to sit on the board of directors for Playmobil?

If so, then that person would have to speak German and live in the Nürnberg/Zirndorf/Dietenhofen area.

This would also be someone who could give of his/her time freely (as I'm sure this would not be a paid position).

Now the two BIG questions:

1. How and where would we find this person?

2. How could we (and this person) convince Geobra that this would be a good idea?

I know that I don't have the answers to these questions. Does anyone?

Offline Gustavo

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Re: Fan Community Representation in Playmobil: Is it real?
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2008, 18:35:48 »

Difficult thing to find an excentric millionaire, these days 8}

I agree with you completely: there should be someone who preferably speaks German freely, and, if possible, who lives near Zirndorf.
 And that made such job by heart, not for money. (I hadn't thought about this one, but it is a point!)

Would it be difficult to find such person in Klickywelt, do you think?

&, of course, all this is hypothetical, but I think finding people wouldn't be thaaat problematic. The barrier question here, I think, would be "what would gB think about it?" ...
But, well: how to know without asking? ...


Now the two BIG questions:

1. How and where would we find this person?

2. How could we (and this person) convince Geobra that this would be a good idea?

I know that I don't have the answers to these questions. Does anyone?


Offline Hadoque

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Re: Fan Community Representation in Playmobil: Is it real?
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2008, 03:31:06 »
"Klickywelt" has a representative who is in charge of keeping contact & dealing with Geobra's Public Relations department...

Resistance is futile, you will be boarded!

Offline Tomplay

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Re: Fan Community Representation in Playmobil: Is it real?
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2008, 06:43:56 »
"Klickywelt" has a representative who is in charge of keeping contact & dealing with Geobra's Public Relations department...

Hi @all,

that's right. We have a person, who lives next to Zirndorf and keeps contact to Geobra. But this is a very hard job and we only had small progress in building up the relationship in the last years. It seems to be as if the collectors community is not really in focus by geobra. The only succes was that we got three fair give aways (egyptian) and some fair catalogues for a drawing in klickywelt. On the other hand we know, that geobra takes part on what is happening in the german forum. ??? That is my personal point of view.
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Offline socrates

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Re: Fan Community Representation in Playmobil: Is it real?
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2008, 17:31:42 »
that's right. We have a person, who lives next to Zirndorf and keeps contact to Geobra.

...AND... ...she is even fluent in german!  :yup:

So, she more or less fulfills all of richards criteria...
@richard: where you thinking of Simone already?  ???

actually, from my point of view, playmobil's main focus still remains on the kids. but our influence is growing and will continue to grow, as we are now getting to a level where more and more parents by theirselves have been grown up playing with playmobil... they will find out how to get us buying their things...  :P

they just need time. after all, there is already a red framework house. :)

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