Do you have that joke in English?:
"A man had a cat, which he loved, and he went on hollidays, and left the cat with a friend. When the guy came back, he asked the friend about the cat, and the friend said, sadly: 'Mate ... Your cat died.' The guy almost died!, but survived so as to teach the friend, once, when he came by to visit him: 'You shouldn't say the thing just like this ... You should have prepared me, like:
Oh, your cat? Well, you see: He climbed a tree. Then he stayed there too long. He got asleep. Then he fell and he couldn't resist the fall ... We tried to save him, but we could do nothing ... I'm sorry, you know? ...' The friend hesitated, so that the guy asked: 'What is it that brought here, anyway?' The friend answers: 'Well, mate, ye see ... Your mother? She ... climbed a tree.' "