Martin ...
Yes, but someone telling you isn't your occupational environment, is it? It's more informal training.
In the States we call it OJT. And, it's often a lot more valuable than any formal training.
You are absolutely correct about the importance of knowing those things that can save your life,
For some reason, the "tricks of the trade" seem to become much more meaningful, and make a far greater impression, in the real world, than they ever would in a classroom.
As an educator, I almost always looked at "formal" education as only a preparation to learning. And, OJT as the real education. Some reputable universities in the States now recognize the importance of "life experiences" and now give degree credits for it.
So, eye patches, hooks and wooden legs were "life experiences" that offered accreditation for the degree of "Master Pirate" ... and were no doubt just as impressive as that college diploma hanging on the wall.
All the best,