Author Topic: KLICKYWELT CLOSED !!!  (Read 10624 times)

Offline Gustavo

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« Reply #10 on: June 13, 2008, 01:20:38 »

Fights only end when someone turns back. However, once it's begun, very difficult to hold.

Besides the information about the closing of the forum, one of the Admin's writes that they are working on a new plan/searching for a solution.

Maybe to open another board ...

Which makes me think ... Was there many things in archives, and so on? What kind of solution could be for this kind of loss? (However, many things from Klickywelt I never could see, because you had to log in, so as to be allowed to see ... No evesdropping :no:

Well, I am quite sure, all those german fans will get together somewhere else... wear down the next board administrator...  >:D

Some of them might find asylum here ... (Not the fighting ones, I hope!, but the ... orphan ones :-\ )

It must be a horrible thing to loose a place you use to go most everyday ...


Offline Rasputin

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« Reply #11 on: June 13, 2008, 02:35:10 »
Now please tell me the Administrators and Moderators here in Playmofriends are a bit more level headed and less sensitive to these trivial reoccurring problems . Over at playmoboard he just lashes out with out much provoking and now to shut a wonderfully useful site over an unexplained threat. What was the person going to call the admin out to a fight like in high school or better yet did he get a playmobil dynamite in the mail . :lol:
If you hear the sound of the bell which will tell you that Grigori has been killed, if it was your relations who have wrought my death, then no one in the family will remain alive. They will be killed by the Russian people. :prays:

Offline Gustavo

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« Reply #12 on: June 13, 2008, 03:34:43 »

Well ... Maybe one or another fighting one ... Master Tim could use someone else to fight with :P

(Don't take it seriously, Tim ... Actually, it has always been nice to follow or have dialogues with you here, and many of them come from controversial thoughts, which you always put wisely or honestly -- when not so wisely -- and without exception constructively.)

Which makes me think that some "fights" are good things to forums ... But I still can't figure out so well how come that it ended in threats :hmm: I think I won't try to figure out, anyway.

"Forum" always makes me think about the ancient cities, back in Roman and Greek times, when people went to a square, and debated on general subjects, usually concerning the neighbourhood. In Brasil, we have "reuniões de condomínio", which people in one building use to do, at least once a year, to elect one adm ... Among other things. Noone seems to like them, and many times there are uhm ... lets say that people get passionate about their own requests and demands. Maybe people had tough times in Greek ágorai, too :(

who should be sleeping

Offline Richard

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« Reply #13 on: June 13, 2008, 03:48:36 »

... or better yet did he get a playmobil dynamite in the mail . :lol:

Rasputin, you have a marvelous sense of humor ...  ;D

Offline macgayver

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« Reply #14 on: June 13, 2008, 06:59:48 »
a small part allready is back online
One picture say's more then a thousand words ;)

Offline Sylvia

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« Reply #15 on: June 13, 2008, 07:30:45 »

Which makes me think ... Was there many things in archives, and so on? What kind of solution could be for this kind of loss? (However, many things from Klickywelt I never could see, because you had to log in, so as to be allowed to see ...

It only takes a couple of clicks to remove topics from the public eye and place them in a hidden zone only the admin or moderators can see. This means they can be easily restored again at a later date. ;)

What did they threaten to cut off his supply of Playmobil ?


Offline CountBogro

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« Reply #16 on: June 13, 2008, 07:54:05 »
a small part allready is back online

Thank God for that!

... and then dusk came and brought despair.

Offline Richard

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« Reply #17 on: June 13, 2008, 11:58:19 »

a small part allready is back online

Hello, Michael ...

Thanks for the update.

It does look like Klickywelt is coming back online ... But, under NEW management.
Bennain seems to be gone ... ???

All the best,

Offline socrates

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« Reply #18 on: June 13, 2008, 12:44:35 »
It does look like Klickywelt is coming back online ... But, under NEW management.
Bennain seems to be gone ... ???

Hmm... I interpret it as follows: Bennain is out and will shut down klickywelt next tuesday.
They just reopened a part so that open trades can be finished up to tuesday.  :o

The moderating team is discussing any options to save klickywelt, but I am not sure they already have any ideas...  :-\

We will see how everything is working out...

Sylvia, we finally DO need a german section at playmofriends...  :P

"Just living is not enough," said the butterfly, "one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower."
— Hans Christian Andersen

Offline Richard

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« Reply #19 on: June 13, 2008, 13:06:13 »

Sylvia, we finally DO need a german section at playmofriends... :P

Actually, that might be a good idea, Socrates ... :)9

It has worked fine for us to have a Spanish section at GW-PC.
(And, I think that Sylvia probably understands about as much German as I do Spanish, so she shouldn't have too much trouble overseeing the administration of a German section. However, Sylvia would need some really good German speaking moderators to help her, just as we have really great Spanish speaking moderators to help us at GW-PC.)

Unfortunately, it's a lot of work to administer a forum like Playmofriends in someone's native language. I can just imagine that it might be even more than a full-time job to administer a forum like this in a person's second (or third) language ...  8}

So, even though it sounds like a good idea, it could become a nightmare to manage ... :(o):

All the best,