Sorry, Heather ...
I didn't know that numberless parts were not included ... 
S'okay, how would you know? There are a few cases of me getting busy and assigning temporary part numbers to parts where there are no instructions -
3659 - King And His Court is an example - but for the most part I've used my time better by showing parts that do have numbers. (Klickies are an exception, since so few have numbers but need to be described for 'Who's That Klicky?' anyway.) As I spot,
or am told about, hm, a numbered part appearing in an instructionless set, I'll certainly add it, sourced as "Observation". I also try to give temporarily-numbered parts, numbers as I discover them.
Anyway, I've hijacked a topic again. Can anyone say how well the medium-soft material used for chair cushions et al. fares over time?