Author Topic: "The Pirates' Chronicles"  (Read 10582 times)

Offline Gustavo

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"The Pirates' Chronicles"
« on: June 07, 2008, 17:59:38 »

"My name is Frenam. I lived in the 1600s, annis Domini, and then I died. My stories are told somewhere else, by someone else."

"I died in America, in the Isles. With many a treasure have I dealt, and this was how I came to be found by this fellow, who brought me here. I wish he had brought my whole body, but he didn't ..."

"His name's Joe. I think he's from Cartagena, or so they say ... I wish I had been in the continent. I only knew the islands. Anyway, Joe here, he's a very hospitable fellow! ...

"And he also happens to have become quite a wealthy fellow as well; not from any treasure provided by me, though, however they seemed to be looking for more than skulls and rusty sabers, when they entered the cave ... But I think that he made his moneys out of rum, I'm not sure, and it isn't so important."

"As I said, he is a hospitable man. He likes to have people at home, and drink together with them ... It seems, though, that, according to the amount of moneys there grew the amount of friends that passed by ..."

"This seemed to be all right ... After all, Joe happens to be a hospitable man, aye? But it did happen that some friends came to ask for more than one more cup of wine ..."

"This was how Joe came to be known also as a man somewhat more hospitable to his possessions than to the warm friendship many Caribbeans have to share."


Offline Gustavo

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Re: "The Pirates' Chronicles"
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2008, 23:25:00 »

Tell me if you like it ...
There may be more ;)


Offline Gustavo

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The Pirate Chronicles - Gus's Story Posts
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2008, 20:02:18 »
"A Book Delirium"

It was said before that one thing Joe really liked to do was to have friends at home, to a good drinking and anecdotes time.

There was this day, when, after the friends had left, Joe went on drinking ...

He drank, and drank until he fell asleep.

And he slept the whole day. Time enough to think afterwards that his home had been invaded by pirates.

Or whatever else ...

tump, clack-clack, tump, cla'-clack


"I'm over here, you bag of bones! ... Look out!
No, you'll have to climb ... the table!, on the table!"

"That's about that! ... You're almost there now ...
No!: mind your feet!" -- POF! Tingle-dingle-dingle! -- "Ouch!"

CLACK! "Ow! ... My neck!"

"Hm! 'Feel like twen'y!"

"Now, lets go down this fine table ..."

TUMP! "Oh ... What a mess have uhm ... I done."

"This guy's really passed out today ..."

"I've been living at Joe's for a while. Although he is a hospitable man,
I deeply missed my body, and would never rest in peace if I couldn't, somehow, have it back!"

"We live in a wonderful studio. I think he got it with the rum money he made.
It isn't too big, but it's very well decorated! But the best work here was the story teller's!
Look at the wall: he used an edition of fairy tales book as wall ..."

"Which is good, because, whenever Joe isn't looking, I can open it, and read a bit,
which he never does: I think he really believes this to be no more than a wall."

And, as Frenam the Spaniard is explaining details of the architecture, alas that there come by some faces, familiar to him and to others ...

One of them, an archer, who seems to be an enthusiastic fellow, decides to come down, and say hello ... Maybe drink some of the wine ...

But then, there it happens that Joe decides to wake up!

"Oh ... What a headache! I could swear I'm in the middle of a terrible mess!"

He could swear.

But then he thinks with himself that maybe what he really needs is to put the head in a water bucket . . .


« Last Edit: August 18, 2008, 09:40:13 by Martin Milner »

Offline Gustavo

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« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2008, 00:40:35 »
"A Map"
Part I

CARPENTER Good day, Joe! We brought you a little something! ...

CARP A barrel of my best ... uh : Drinkingstuff! Right, Gus?
GUS Aye sir!
JOE How kind!

CARP Hey ... What's this you're studying??
JOE Oh, this? ...

CARP You're reading about navigation! ... I didn't know you made your adventures at sea ...

JOE I used to sail around, when I helped Old Vinegar in the rum business ... We were attacked by pirates, once, and I was invited to make part of the pirate crew. After that, I tried to escape with the boat, but it was hit, and I drifted around. Cap. Vinegar died in the plot, but luckily I knew where he kept the ... uh ... rum! So yes, I do know a bit about sailing a ship. I've been studying because I intend to acquire a new one, but we're waiting for it to arrive at the stores yet ...

CARP I see ...
GUS Hm? -- What?
JOE But lets taste that grog of yours ...
crash! bunk! thud! ...

CARP Once you have a boat for us, Joe-me-friend, and once you're a good fellow, you will have the right of half of this ... frlop!

GUS Are you really sure this will help us to find ...
CARP Of course I do, young one! We need a little ... Money, if we are to explore the possible destinations of your lost brother.
JOE By the Spaniard's rusty blade! ...

JOE Where did you get this? ... & What's this? Lem'me take a look ...
CARP It's a map!

JOE That I can see! : Where did you find it?
CARP I ... uhm, Borrowed! From Old Jim!

JOE "Borrowed", aye? ... From your "friend" W. J.? You can tell me you stole from him, there's no shame on that, Aubrey! Lets see ...

JOE It does lead somewhere, all right. But how do you intend to go there?
CARP Well, as you said: you're about to get a new boat!

JOE You're crazy! Even if the new 4444 Kanonensegler arrives on stores up till the end of the month, by the prices the local fools will be asking for it, it'll take at least four or five months for the storyteller to raise money enough to buy it! So forget it!
CARP You're too worried about unimportant details, mate ... There's a lot of things to tell before that ...

GUS Yeah ... Lets make a toast!
CARP Why, THAT'S a good idea, young one!
JOE Well ... Why not? ...

CARP Glory & riches!



Offline Gustavo

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« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2008, 04:10:21 »
"A Map"
Part II

JIM Damn rats!!!
BART Woodleg Jim!

JIM Italian Bart!

JIM What are you doing here? Doesn't the Governor have anything more important for you than to keep watch on despised ports? ...

BART I'm not here because of you, if this worries you ...
JIM Me? Worried? Hah!

BART Sure ... You're never worried ... Specially after you ran out of boat ... No sail, no business, no worries! ...
JIM Well, I can't say business has been going so fine ... Anyway, you aren't here because of the hospitality: what do you want?

BART I have news of a friend of yours ...
JIM Friend?
BART Aubrey Carpenter!

JIM Carpenter?! Damn'im!! What news of Carpenter?! What's he plotting against me this time??!
BART Well ... You possibly miss a map ...

JIM The map of the Hiding Place ...

JIM The map ... The map, yes, the map of, of ... Of Old Vinegar's rum storage place, all right! ...
BART Vinegar? Vinegar's long dead ... There's too many stories about a dead man, I hear.

JIM Anyways, so what?: is it for free? Are you a spy in my service, right now? What has Carpenter done to you, so that you came here tell me that he put hands in an old friend's ... business directions?
BART If you take care of Aubrey Carpenter, I'll have less work, no doubt. But maybe we could think about something so as both of us took some profit of this "Vinegar's business". I'll propose this to you because I don't like the idea of making it three ways: he's called Cartagena to be his associate.
JIM Oh, I'm so flattered! ...

BART Be so ... Don't tell Roy anything. As I told you: I won't make it three ways. Besides, you already have profitable business with him. I won't mess up with it, for now ...
JIM Why!, Thank You! Very Much!, bgrlbrlgr! ...
BART Welcome!! A pleasure, always!!: Two ways. Good-bye, Jim. I'll know when you have the map back. You could have spared me a lot of time if you had told me of it before! ...

JIM And be killed myself, in a plot of his with somebody else? ... Blast!: What makes him think that I'll do anything with him? ...

JIM I'll take care of Carpenter! Damn Carpenter! And then, I'll take care of Italian Bart as well. Damn the Governor! And ...

JIM ... And ... Rats! More rats?!




Offline Gustavo

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« Reply #5 on: August 16, 2008, 04:44:22 »
A large percentage of my fun with Playmobil is thinking up the stories, even if they never actually get told in photo form. That was pretty much how I played with all toys when I was a kid, thinking up stories.

I believe many of us have a lot in common ;D


The pirates & a map, Part III



Offline Gustavo

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« Reply #6 on: August 16, 2008, 12:31:43 »
But BEFORE ...

"A Book Delirium"
(The Storyteller's cut)

Last part


He could swear.

But then he thinks with himself that maybe what he really needs is to put the head in a water bucket . . .

"Is he gone?", asks the merry archer

"Stop conjecturing, will ye?! It's a horrible position, this one up here!!!"


Offline Gustavo

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« Reply #7 on: August 16, 2008, 19:54:10 »
"A Map"
Part III

Frenam speaks: "Once they had all agreed about being together in a 'venture, Joe's friend & main promoteur of the enterprise had the idea of going to a fellow renegate officer of the British Royal Navy, who might provide them with some main needs ... As long as he didn't know much about the matter!"

CARPENTER 'Xcuse, Dan! ...

DAN Aubrey Carpenter! ... It's been a while.

DAN What brings you here, after such a long time?
CARP Well, Dan ... I thought you might be happy to see an old friend! ...

DAN Friendship, aye? ... Right. You might have left your servant in the attendants quarters, at the back ...

CARP Eh? Oh, no, this is Joe. He isn't a servant, he's an associate!
DAN Associate ... Him?!

DAN These people are better servants than associates. He's probably run away or something. You should try search his masters ...
JOE Now he's getting on my nerves ...

JOE Now you listen, mister! ... *shhhinnng*
CARP Hey!! Hold your temper, Joe, me-friend!!
DAN Hoh!! ... Aye!

DAN Even because, boy, you'll see that some men are hardly ever caught unprepared for tough situations ... Specially in my case, who have to avoid British Royal company, now and then, not to tell some Frenchy ol' "friends", who happen to pass by ... I don't think you know my associate, master-of-arms Black Phil ...
PHIL *click*

DAN ... Aubrey here, however, knows him well, as well as miss Tareja Key (Chain).
MISS KEY *click*
CARP Joe ... Would you stand down a while, and let me handle this? ...
GUS Awesome!!!

DAN So, Aubrey : Do you agree that the servant's place will be the attendants room at the back of the house?

CARP No way, Davies! Joe Cartagena is a honourable associate ; He leaves, we leave, and you may stay with your pride, or kill us at your will, that's up to you!

DAN Brave man! I like this. A' right, Aubrey ... / Come, little sir Elmo!

DAN Honourable, aye? And free, as well, I suppose ...
JOE You bet I am, sir!

DAN I'm intrigued ... How was it that you became a free man, boy?
JOE It's mr. Cartagena, sir. And I don't think we've been properly introduced!
DAN And how was it? ... Born free, I believe?
JOE I bought it, mr.!
DAN Bought it? ... How, I wander : At the tip of a sword, did you? Who was your last master, if I may inquire you an intriguing matter, mr. Cartagena ...
JOE I am sorry, sir : you are being inconvenient.
DAN Doesn't want to talk about it ... All right. But I tell you: someone will know this, you know?
JOE Hmpf!!

DAN And what about you, sir? What's your name? And what are you doing here, with these ... "goys"?
GUS I'm Gus Johnson, sir! I'm--

DAN Gus-- Johnson?
GUS Sorry, sir. My name is Gustaf Johnson ... I've come to the Caribbean in search of my lost brother! ...
DAN Hm ... Here we have a quite fine task ...
GUS Thank you, sir.
DAN Davies. Dan Davies. The fellow in green coat is right: we haven't been properly introduced, mr. Johnson. It's a pleasure to meet you.

CARP Enough talking here, Davies! It's been awkward enough. Will you help?!

DAN And how is it you suppose I might help, Aubrey? Help in what, in the first place? ...

CARP I'd love to talk, but, you see: all this excitement left my throat in real need of some drink. So, maybe I'll come back some other time!
DAN Thirst, aye? ...

ITALIAN BART Yes, master.
DAN Serve mr. Carpenter a dring, will ye?
BART Yes, master Davies, sir.

DAN So : Will you begin talking, or in need of some more bribe? ...
CARP I need a boat, Davies!
DAN Make it Dan ; We're ol' friends, didn't you say so? ...

CARP We need a boat, Dan. Are you willing to help?
DAN A boat ... I believe you're aware of what His Majesty's mates have been doing with all ship that don't hoist his colours, Aubrey-boy ...

CARP As well as I am well aware of your lack of need in worrying about it, Dan : a small boat, that's all I need.

DAN And what'll it be worth for, might I inquire you on the matter, Aubrey-boy? ...
CARP I'm in search of the boy's brother. I have to sail around.

DAN How humanistic of you, Aubrey-me-boy! I'm deeply moved, I am! So, once you won't tell me what it's all about, you'll have to pay: I can dispose you two boats, two pieces of ten in gold each!
CARP I have no chrome, Dan ; four pieces of two each, non-chromed silver!
DAN You're miserable! Three gold -- non-chrome, ne'er expected you to have chrome anyway! --, so three gold pieces of two, one silver, and it's a low price: it's take it or loose it! Unless you're beginning to think that it'll be worth telling me a bit more ...
CARP Where am I supposed to take such amount of money? You're out of your mind!

Frenam speaks "And so, after going a bit farther in the bargaining, there it came that Carpenter did take two boats from Dan Davies, for a price not so cheap as he would have expected ..."

"Better, anyhow, than to reveal the renegate Red Coat any more details about Jim's map. So, this was how Carpenter, Joe & Gus got their two boats, for the beginning of their adventure! ... Or so they thought they had, until ..."


Offline Gustavo

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Re: "The Pirates' Chronicles"
« Reply #8 on: September 30, 2008, 17:11:16 »
"A New Piece of Furniture"

JOE This way lads ... Here it is!

POWDERBARREL Well, it doesn't look like that difficult ...
JOE Problem is ... It's very compact ... Thick!

TAROQ Lets take a look ...

PDBRL Yeah, maybe it's gon'na be a bit more difficult than I thought ...

TAROQ Stop! Stop! Not gon'na work this way! Blast!!
PDBRL Easy, mate ... Lets try like this, look ...

JOE Good idea, Powderbarrel! It's a lot easier this way!!

PDBRL Aye! ... One table out! ...

TAROQ Pull!!!
PDBRL Lively, lad, c'mon! Push harder!!

JOE Right, now bring the other one!
TAROQ We'll be right back in!

TAROQ Here we are!
JOE Good, Good!!! this way, here!

POWDERBARREL There you go! That's what you can call a job well done!

JOE All right, lads! There you go: A day's work *tink*

JOE Bye!! Thanks!
PDBRL If you need any more help, let' know ... Specially in that affair of Dan Davies' boats ...
JOE Well, that's good! I'll let you know!

JOE Well ... Home, sweet home ... It's getting sweeter!

JOE Lets make it cosier ...

JOE Ah! Nice, ain't it, Spaniard?
FRENAM (He speaks with me as though he thinks I could answer him ... grmbl!!)

JOE Ah, FIne'ly, a 100% playmobil table! No tricks! I have to get cloth in more appropriate size, now ... This new table is considerably smaller ... Which is good. It gives me more space, an' I'll need plenty of it, 'cause--

CARPENTER Hello, mate! What's up??                                                 
GUS I can swear there's something different, around! ... New curtains, mr. Cartagena, sir??


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Re: "The Pirates' Chronicles"
« Reply #9 on: October 07, 2008, 05:05:52 »
"A Map"
Part IV, a

Frenam speaks: "Joe, Carpenter & young Gus have been around taking a look at the boats Dan Davies had promised them. Meanwhile, Joe's got a new piece of furniture, and is inviting his friends to take a look at the news in our place, so as to drink together with them, and spend a nice time, in seamen anecdotes ..."

"It isn't wise, though, because news has spread, somehow, that Carpenter & friends got possession of one of Woodleg Jim's map, with unknown destinations to unknown hidden belongings ..."

"Therefore, methinks, perhaps Joe might find a door more efficient than the one he has ..."

" 'Cause, believe me : I've had possetions myself, and I know tha value of a good lock ... Joe, however ... Hm!"

unknown character, of unfriendly evesdropping Looks like it's clear, this way, mate!

another unknown character of suspect rear guard Are you certain, Yuyopac?? I don't wan'na get caught in this, ye know?! ...

YUYOPAC Stop being a chick, Roy ... There's nobody in ... He's away, downtown, we have plen'ny o' time ... Will you give a hand or what??"
ROY A' right! ... Let's clean the place!

Frenam mutters ... "As I said ... It would happen, sooner or later ... Poor Joe. He's quite done, now!"

YUYOPAC It's a nice place, this ... Not very big, however ... Where must it be, Roy?
ROY Whatever! Ne'er mind Jim's orders ... Lets take whatever treasure we find, divide it in two parts, ol' Jim won't even know 'bout it ... If we find anything he wants, anyway, we can take it to him ...

YUYOPAC Treasure idea sounds good: look, there's a statue here, and it looks like gold, all right! Jim won't care if we take it for us!
ROY No way, all right! Lets take it! ...-- Oh LOOK, up there, on the shelf!!!
« Last Edit: October 08, 2008, 02:52:57 by Gustavo »