Author Topic: Playmobil Spares Service vs Lego Pick-a-Brick  (Read 14993 times)

Offline Martin Milner

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Playmobil Spares Service vs Lego Pick-a-Brick
« on: May 23, 2008, 11:16:52 »
Well I'm sorry but I've been looking at Lego's website over the last couple of weeks, and compared to Lego's Pick-a-Brick system, Playmobil's spares service is a complete and utter shambles.

They REALLY need to get this service properly sorted out asap, and provide a clear and simple web-based ordering service so we can order quickly and accurately via their website, combining it with a normal order, if they're not to continue looking like a bunch of amateurs playing at providing a professional service.

Without Heather's Playmodb  :wow: it'd be near impossible to order anything without the plans, and a lot of parents and kids lose lose plans the minute the set is packed away after it's first assembly.

In some respects Playmobil outshines Lego - e.g. Lego always charge postage no matter how big the order (cheapskates), and the Lego site is not as user-friendly to my mind, but come on Geobra, it's not rocket science, and it'd boost your sales! 360 degree virtual catalogues are all very well, but what about after sales service? It's not reliable, quick, or easy, and it needs to be.

And while I'm on it, could you possibly stop the pop-ups? I keep getting shocked by the noisy police motor boat everytime I log in. Once is enough. 

Offline Pimpernel

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Re: Playmobil Spares Service vs Lego Pick-a-Brick
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2008, 19:48:34 »
Hi Martin

My first post so please excuse any naïveté. I just placed my first order with Playmobil DS this week, and sent an Excel file (thanks to this board for the tip) with part no. and description. I agree, impossible without PlaymoDB. The service does seem sort of pre-interwebby, and I asked whether they couldn't supply a price list - not of everything, but just of the themes I was ordering (Medieval and Pirates as it happens). I guess because the order comes from Germany, prices fluctuate vis-a-vis the strength of the Euro, but a guide list would be great. Anyway, they didn't say anything to my request. On the other hand, I am incredibly impressed that you can ask for obscure little things that haven't been on sale retail for maybe a decade, and they have them! So much more efficient than searching eBay and then paying over the odds.

Playmo DB doesn't, however, have a complete inventory of the Museum (3449), so if anybody has the part number for the large angled roof section, then boy would I be grateful.

This place is an amazing resource so thanks for letting me join.

Offline sbblabotw

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Re: Playmobil Spares Service vs Lego Pick-a-Brick
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2008, 20:10:33 »
Hi Pimpernel,

Pleased to meet you!  I'm the admin of PlaymoDB.  Believe it or not, the roof piece is un-numbered on the 3449 instructions.  However, I wouldn't be surprised if it's like this one from the old train station:

30 02 8580 - Roof end section

You'd need two of those and four of these:

30 02 8590 - Roof corner plate

If you can actually get some of these old Steck pieces from DS, do let us know! has catalogued over FIFTY-FIVE THOUSAND parts in more than 6100 sets. Come and visit to find any set or part numbers you need to know!

Offline extjmv

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Re: Playmobil Spares Service vs Lego Pick-a-Brick
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2008, 20:35:22 »
LEGO pick a brick is not what you thing...

You have 2 way to order parts:
1. Pick a Brick: Few parts and few colors
2. Parts Replacement: Few sets inventoried, you have to search the parts in a unofficial web site (www.peeron), and order by email or phone.

I have used LEGO service many time, and they make a lot of mistakes with parts and colors...

Offline CountBogro

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Re: Playmobil Spares Service vs Lego Pick-a-Brick
« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2008, 20:53:22 »
mmm sounds as if Playmobil is doing it only slightly better. Specially the German site which actually lets you order on line some parts ... Unfortunately not all though.

... and then dusk came and brought despair.

Offline Pimpernel

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Re: Playmobil Spares Service vs Lego Pick-a-Brick
« Reply #5 on: May 23, 2008, 22:27:09 »

Or should I say, dear Heather

Thanks so very much for that - those pieces are exactly what I was looking for. Your database is absolutely invaluable, or should I say an extremely valuable and as far as I can see undervalued (by Playmobil) facility.

Those parts are just the sort of item that might be lurking in a parts bin at the main facility in Germany, forgotten and neglected, but architecturally delightful as they enable  some marvellous buildings to be imagined.

I don't know if you have seen the uses to which they've been put, but I found some interesting photographs ...

Offline Pimpernel

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Re: Playmobil Spares Service vs Lego Pick-a-Brick
« Reply #6 on: May 23, 2008, 22:31:04 »
oops - a better picture of a different building ...

Offline Richard

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Re: Playmobil Spares Service vs Lego Pick-a-Brick
« Reply #7 on: May 24, 2008, 00:26:26 »

Hello, Pimpernel ...  :wave:

Or , if you can't find what you're looking for at DS ... Or, if they just never made something you'd like to have ... Do as MacGayver does and just make your own ... ;)

Have you seen his home-manufactured roof corner pieces?

All the best,

see attachment

Offline Gustavo

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Re: Playmobil Spares Service vs Lego Pick-a-Brick
« Reply #8 on: May 24, 2008, 01:57:19 »

Or should I say, dear Heather

Thanks so very much for that - those pieces are exactly what I was looking for. Your database is absolutely invaluable, or should I say an extremely valuable and as far as I can see undervalued (by Playmobil) facility.

Beyond value, maybe ... :yup: I agree! (& I'm not in days of using it yet, but it's a wonderful and very useful work, I could notice this already.)


Offline Pimpernel

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Re: Playmobil Spares Service vs Lego Pick-a-Brick
« Reply #9 on: May 24, 2008, 21:11:02 »
Hello Richard

Yes, I saw Maguyver's customs, and I'm extremely impressed with them and with all he does - way beyond anything I could think of attempting! I'll keep searching for the old steck pieces, I think. They're out there somewhere ...