Well I'm sorry but I've been looking at Lego's website over the last couple of weeks, and compared to Lego's Pick-a-Brick system, Playmobil's spares service is a
complete and utter shambles.
They REALLY need to get this service properly sorted out asap, and provide a clear and simple web-based ordering service so we can order quickly and accurately via their website, combining it with a normal order, if they're not to continue looking like a bunch of amateurs playing at providing a professional service.
Without Heather's Playmodb

it'd be near impossible to order anything without the plans, and a lot of parents and kids lose lose plans the minute the set is packed away after it's first assembly.
In some respects Playmobil outshines Lego - e.g. Lego always charge postage no matter how big the order (cheapskates), and the Lego site is not as user-friendly to my mind, but come on Geobra, it's not rocket science, and it'd boost your sales! 360 degree virtual catalogues are all very well, but what about after sales service? It's not reliable, quick, or easy, and it needs to be.
And while I'm on it, could you possibly stop the pop-ups? I keep getting shocked by the noisy police motor boat everytime I log in. Once is enough.