I'm guessing he's not a Texas Ranger.

Joking aside, the klicky looks great!
Seriously, though, we need a little more context...
Rangers can mean:
1) elite US Army infantrymen (the Rangers), known for sticking their heads out bus windows when being transported to the rifle range like the canine-level intelligence fellows that we army linguists presumed them to be.
2) a Texas state-level law enforcement agent ("Texas Rangers") who apparently know kung-fu
3) guys who hang out at National Parks urging us to pickup litter and not start forest fires (park ranger)
4) a busy-body sort of knight in Tolkien's Lord of the Rings whose ancestors survived the Tolkien-equivalent of Atlantis and now roam around the Shire and environs counter-spying on Sauron's spies and scaring Hobbits into cleaning up litter and not starting forest fires.
5) a sniffy warrior type in Dungeons and Dragons who contributes his excess goldpieces to Greenpeace, helps to organize anti-fox hunting rallies in the UK, and can cast Druid spells starting at level 5 (but the spells suck anyway).
I'm guessing your custom is "none of the above"....