To Richard:
On the contrary, I don't believe we are sufficiently
off topic!
Returning to off subject:
the exceptions with an "agressive" potential are:
- police;
- pirates;
- knights;
- old egypt;
- roman empire;
i think this is a very good example to where playmobil intends to go.
even the potentially "agressive" sets have clear "good" guys (the police) or are based in ancient history (all the others).
To Cachalote:
Cachalote, you're near the top of the list of people I like on the forum, but, gosh, I hope your views are a minority!
(RE: people who want to see all military themes disappear)
But, seriously, I think Playmobil has kept the same proportion of modern themes to military themes since I was a kid. When I was a kid the following themes were huge: construction, farming, vacationing (modern "leisure"), hospital, police, and racing vehicles.
I think military themes are harmless for kids. It's the graphic depictions in movies that provide the disturbing images. I played cowboys and indians and civil war Playmobil as a kid and didn't even think of it in terms of "killing people".
Yeah, klickies "died" but as a kid I didn't connect it to real people actually dying.
If a kid has never seen a person killed, I don't believe playtime adventuring has any meaning to them beyond just interacting with their toys. They don't have a "context" against which to associate Play and Reality.
Besides, violent children who grow up to be social problems likely don't spend a lot of time playing with Playmobil to draw inspiration from it.....
I'd argue: if the kid is playing with playmobil, odds are, even if he's pulverizing his klickies with feigned nuclear blasts, he's going to grow up to be a pretty harmless guy.