Author Topic: PM does another switcheroo on the parts (the Target ghost)  (Read 6526 times)

Offline Richard

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Re: PM does another switcheroo on the parts (the Target ghost)
« Reply #20 on: April 10, 2008, 19:50:51 »

Hello, Steve ...  :wave:

The exclusive Target sets concentrate on good guy vs. bad guy play with an emphasis on fighting. These exclusive sets sit right next to G.I. Joe at the Target near me

I hadn't thought about it before, but after reading your comments it does appear that Target looks at Playmobil as solely a boy's toy! hmmm ...  ^-^

Do you head on down to the Target in Seattle to do some of your Playmobil shopping?
(As you probably know, there's a great SuperTarget store at Northgate.)

All the best,

Offline gloobey

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Re: PM does another switcheroo on the parts (the Target ghost)
« Reply #21 on: April 10, 2008, 22:15:17 »
Actually Richard, I Target shop in Silverdale. It's the closest one to me. Northgate is a good 3 hour drive (or a ferry ride). That Puget Sound thingy has a tendency to get in the way :-)

It would be great to see the Grande Mansion or the new Fairyland sets at Target wouldn't it?

Have you ever shopped at Magic Mouse Toys in Seattle? They have an excellent Playmobil selsction. They currently stock all of the new sets that are available (it's in Pioneer Square, just a few blocks from the Seattle ferry terminal in case you haven't been there).
What's the point of going, if you can't get there on a train?

Offline Richard

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Re: PM does another switcheroo on the parts (the Target ghost)
« Reply #22 on: April 10, 2008, 22:41:45 »

Hello, Steve ...  :wave:

Actually Richard, I Target shop in Silverdale

Have you ever shopped at Magic Mouse Toys in Seattle? They have an excellent Playmobil selection.

Thanks for the info on the Silverdale Target!

I've never been to the Magic Mouse.

There used to be a great toy store in Port Angeles. They carried the full line of Playmobil. They also had a lot of discontinued sets. I was really sorry to see them close up

We have a very nice store in Victoria called Foxglove Toys. They carry a decent selection of Playmobil.

The best, in my opinion, is the Granville Island Toy Company in Vancouver. They seem to have the best selection of Playmobil on Canada's West Coast.

I'm sure that there must be some other Playmobil retailers! There are a few that carry a very limited number of sets. Like the Bay for instance.

You sound like you've done a very good job of researching the area since you've been there.

All the best,

Offline gloobey

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Re: PM does another switcheroo on the parts (the Target ghost)
« Reply #23 on: April 11, 2008, 02:53:09 »
Hi Richard, I was heartbroken when the Port Angeles store closed. They had an amazing array of blue boxes there. The last time I went was during their clearance/retirement sale. I still think about it everytime we drive over. Now, the only reason I go there is to visit the Pacific Rim Hobby Shop by the ferry terminal.

The Granville Island Toy Company sounds great. Is there also a toy train museum on Granville Island? I seem to recall reading about it somewhere...

You sound like you've done a very good job of researching the area since you've been there.

There are two more that you might want to check out if your ever on Whidbey island. One is in Freeland, the other in Langley. Both are owned by the same person, they are officially Hallmark shops but have a big toy section with extensive Playmobil on hand. Freeland is basically an intersection on the main road. The shop is in the only plaza. Langley is small, the shop there is up at the "top" of town.

The last one I know of is in Winslow (the ferry terminal town) on Bainbridge Island. That's the terminal that takes you over  to Seattle. It sounds like you might know that one. The shop is called Calico Cat. Very small, but they have a decent amount of Playmobil and have been known to have older, discontinued sets in stock.

Sometimes my wife thinks that I'm a little too knowledgable about wher the toy shops are :-)
What's the point of going, if you can't get there on a train?