Here are some custom gauls, based (extremely lightly) from the pictures in the Osprey book.
The main detail:
PM dropped the ball on its Gauls by
1) giving them those musketeer boots. According to the pictures in Osprey and other sources, Gauls wore moccassin-like shoes or sandals with long pants, more like the legs given to a lot of the medieval and viking klickies (and depicted here).
2) PM's Gauls with the "hatless-hair" are more like ancient Germans. If Gauls wore one piece of armor, it was a helmet, according to the source books I've read. Germans, on the other hand, went bare-headed into battle in the late BCs unless they were rich enough to own armor.
In my second picture, the barefoot gaul with a half tunic is God-awfully fake, but I thought it looked good. I need to whip out the paint and paint a shirtless torso. I found a caribbean pirate klicky who is shirtless, but no "white" klickies appear to be made officially that are shirtless.
There was a class of Gallic mercenaries in the late BCs, the Gesatae (meaning spearmen), who appear to have been tribe-less drifters (aka "mercenaries") who fought completely naked, except for shield and helmet.
Granted, for all their bravado, the Romans tended to cut them to pieces. The Gauls were the equivalent of the modern drunk, who after a few pints thinks he can take on the world bare-chested.
Seriously. Gallic swordsmen tactics were to assemble before the enemy, beat their shields and shout insults, then make a mad rush. After a spell of fighting, they would back off for a break, then repeat the process.
The Romans, with their system of cycling in reserve rear-lines, were able to keep fresh men on the combat line until the Gauls exhausted themselves, then when the Gauls needed to break off to rest, the Romans, still fresh, could turn it into a rout.