i wouldn't change the name of this forum yet to "lego-friends" but maybe "playmo-acquainted" could be a good idea right now.
i just hope geobra can produce some sort of apology over this fiasco - the danish wouldn't hesitate to do so.
p.s. i am also very unhappy about the absence of a reaction over this matter in the klickywelt forum. maybe they just prefer to ignore and accept every wrong-doing that comes from geobra (not a nice thing to see) or maybe they are just silent due to shock (a better option).
It's good to have honest critics on what you use ...
I have to admit that I've been finding difficult to expect something from Geobra. Not because they couldn't give or make, but because I feel like without voice, I don't know. Maybe I simply behave as a child, in what concerns their production and I get what interests me, and let pass what doesn't ...
I didn't use to be a very demanding child, in a certain view point ... Although I was, all right, very demanding, in person, I think.I'd like to have more ... honest complaints to make. In a way, I don't have faith in my requests or dreams about Playmobil ... Maybe I still find many things that please me. But then, well, it isn't a difficult thing to please a fellow who has two klicky (and two halfs ...
is it halves? ...)
(I had to click a klicky apart, so I have two plus one completely torn apart
More will be arriving by the end of the month ... Even so, I'll need much more, and I can't say when I'll may breath. It's a certain anxiety and, at the same time, it's better the way it is than with none at all! Absolutely better!)
Anyway ...
I don't believe it might ever happen, Cachalote, but, well, it could be worse: Pirates could be discontinued ... (like 1900)
I actually don't believe it will ever happen, but, well, it's an enterprise, not a culture factory ... No matter that they did greatly, throughout the years.
To discontinue the Medieval Civillian collection is, in my view, one of the worse actions ever!
Pirates is a collection with great potential. I believe we may see a Spanish colonization collection still, although they're different historic periods ... Even so, Geobra seems to treat them as the same thing.
(@ everyone)
Which makes me remember of something very strange too: have you ever noticed that, in the catalogue, Knights is usually (not to say always ...) AFTER Pirates?!
Cloudy heaven!, it's so weird ...