I like this set, it's the most tank-like vehicle I've yet seen from Playmobil, is amphibious, and holds two klickies with one standing behind and one driving. An underwater motor (not included) can be attached undeneath and still allow the vehicle to run a flat surface.

The front-box photo is photo-shopped. The second klicky couldn't be standing where he is, and the spotlight on the right side is floating in mid-air behind the vehicle.

The box-back view is slightly more honest.

The axe and spade clip neatly in the external points, but I'm not keen on the creamy colour chosen. Grey or silver would have been more sensible.

The boathook obsures the Police Logo as I've clipped it, but I don't see any other way to fit it.

The yellow spotlights look good, and can point around on adjustable mounts.

The two figures are identical except for their hair colour. No logo on the right arm, as is usual in the Police theme. Their black body armour, facemasks and helmets all combine to provide a very tough character.

The black facemasks fit on like beards, not like the breathing masks of the firemen. They do lend these klickies a very menacing air, and it's a shame these can't be ordered separately. They will still fit under some of the tighter hairstyles for customisation purposes.

Three things I'd change on this set. I don't like the yellow hubcaps, and would use silver or one of the greys from the body, to blend better. The cream tools are odd, though I've seen worse - silver or grey would have been better.
Finally an omission. This vehicle can be fitted with rollbars as seen in the 4175 Dino set, and not having rollbars leaves a couple of odd holes next to the spotlights. I assume this would still allow the second klicky to stand in the back, and it would add a bit of extra beef to the overall look, so I'll be ordering the 30 27 6450 rollbars as spares to add on.
I give this set 8/10. Points off for the lack of rollbars and the oddly coloured tools and hubcaps, all of which I'll want to order replacements for.