It certainly was mentioned more than once: a kind of
collector's special series ... I would love to get
a Tailor's House Aaaaah!!!
If I could ask Geobra to make anything, I would like to see
dwarfs in the likeness of the mentioned Mofreaky idea done: it's very natural, very human ... Part of humanity. Real. And great to make dwarf warriors for Tolkienish adventures too!
(I'd even like better the dwarf klickies than the moveable torsos (...).)
And have you never thought about a
fat klacky? The idea ocurred to me recently. (And it occurs to me now again, mostly, I think, because the male dwarfs are made with fat klickies for men ... Maybe it would be different with women, but no clue for the moment, because there isn't a "fatty klacky" ...)
So, the dwarf klicky might add sth to Playmobil.
There seems to be a problem of target in Playmobil production. Series come up interesting (to adults ... medieval Old Houses, the "Victorian" collection, Romans & Egyptians) and, some time later, they seem to decline into patterns more directed to children (some absurd colours, like in the recent medieval sets, or more up-to-date life style and looks of the new Dollhouse collection ...).
A way to solve this might be to make different kinds (& colours) for different ages (and ways (...)). Children do seem to get more attracted by more colourful "things" (At least the younger ones, before they have any notion of pictoric history). It contrasts a bit with the "Victorian" collection which is very "crayon". (I like to include the Schooner Ship (
3055) among the 1900; same style.) Historic sections of toys are educative, as it was spoken above also ... And, as children grow up, some of them will like more realistic style of ... toys. Like us!
So, maybe make the very-colourful lines for children from say ... 6-9; less colourful to children from 10 to 12? Something like.
(The 1900 series seems to have been idealized for girls, in a way: the boxes are bright pink! As a boy of 14, I was even a bit shy about buying much of that stuff. Luckily, my parents looked more to the contents than to the colour of the boxes, but, in the same way that happened to me, it may have happened to other teenagers ...)
Playmobil has been doing great things, we all agree. Maybe it's time for sorting the things out, and organizing the collections according to everyone's needs. (Including theirs, of making daily bread (and a bit more, why not?) ...) It seems only to lack a project that lasts a bit further. (Children's moods change with the next cinema & tv seasons, but History is more estable ... Adults -- uhm, most/many of us (respecting those who like the alien collection -- JUST TEASING!) -- like better the serious stuff
Also, in the children series there would be space, I believe, for more fantastic things, such as Playmo(bil) Space ... And these things are good for everyone, because good ideas may come up from these areas.
There are also years of the XXth century, which people seem to like, and usually try to customize ... 1960s, 70s. (Imagine a "1969 Moon Collection" ... Some of us would like it, I believe ...) Customization is easily (uh ... right, maybe not that easily but at least possibly) done with klickies, but not with furniture, for example.
(My particular problem with furniture would be solved if there would be a collector's special series, where I could get a
a Tailor's House Aaaaah!!!
So, there's a lot of things that can be done. It's great to think about it!