Author Topic: New 4320 RC Module is half the price of the older 3670!  (Read 2919 times)

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New 4320 RC Module is half the price of the older 3670!
« on: February 26, 2008, 08:02:11 »
Ridge Road Station's showing the new set to be sold in Aug at $48!253

The previous set 3670 was at least double that! (fwiw I just ordered one for $85, cheapest I could find - Aug is a little too long of a wait over summer for me and my 2 boys  ;D)

This is great news (assuming pricing is correct) as it'll make equipping R/C into the vehicle's much more palatable to my wallet.  It looks like the main difference other than size is that whilst the 3670 is fully proportional (I can only confirm when I get mine later this week), the new 4320 offers 3 speeds, and perhaps stepped steering rather than continuously proportional.

Offline extjmv

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Re: New 4320 RC Module is half the price of the older 3670!
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2008, 09:20:44 »
Hi, the new RC motor is the same, but the remote control (how is called in english?) is very, very different.

The old remote control was from a professional line of another manufacturer, with many features. The new remote control is a basic one.

BTW, I hate the old one, was not designed for childrens...

Offline Martin Milner

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Re: New 4320 RC Module is half the price of the older 3670!
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2008, 11:01:56 »
Remote control or controller is quite correct, for the TV it's often just called the remote. Sometimes radio controller for toy cars and planes.   

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Re: New 4320 RC Module is half the price of the older 3670!
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2008, 08:43:16 »
fwiw ... I got my 3670 in and have been playing around with it (when the kids are sleeping  ;D - they don't get to play with it or know of its existence until coming spring break).

From extjmv's post and looking at the part differences, it does look like the only difference is with the TX (transmitter).  A little more on the TX.

Wow, it's made by Sanwa (has the name moulded into the back of the case) - a Japanese R/C brand (they also make multi-meters, and one of my very first analog multi-meter was a Sanwa) which you don't see much (or ever!) in the US - mainly in Australia, Asia, and EU - eg:

fwiw the Playmobil TX looks exactly the same other than the color and Playmobil sticker in the front.

Both steering and speed control have more than 10 steps each way that I could count, and looking at it from a POV that it's basically an R/C set with one servo and one Electronic Speed Control (ESC), PLUS the motor and vehicle frame, the $85 I spent is very much in the ball park for a 2-channel AM setup with 1 servo and ESC.  The new TX with limited speed steps (and I'm presuming steering also) shouldn't make much difference for ~5 yr olds and generally it's not an age in which there's finess in control movements, and more of 'slamming the sticks'.

When I mounted it onto 3265 Dump Truck, there is a slight problem with one front wheel touching the wheel well at full turn, making the truck come an abrupt stop  :(  This is due to the 'fuel tank' protrusion on the truck.  One way around  it is to mount the steering unit 180 degrees around (it's hard to describe, but I'll try and post a pic soon - basically you're flipping the steering arm around so that when the vehicle is moving forward, it won't 'push' the steared wheels back a little, and thus rub against the wheel well).  Had no problems on the Rally Truck.

Well, I guess there's my mini-review  :wave: