Author Topic: Search results for Playmobil on Google shows interesting trends (and more)  (Read 3470 times)

Offline core

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fwiw if you haven't heard of Google Trends, hop on over here:

In a nutshell, you can look at search trends that Google has fielded over the years, compare two search terms, look at which countries/cities/language has searched that term the most, etc.  I guarantee you'll waste more than a couple of minutes at the site  ;)

Remember though, this only aggregates searches thru Google.

So now, plug in 'Playmobil' and this is what you get:

And the Top Ten Regions?
1. Germany 
2. France 
3. Netherlands 
4. Austria 
5. Belgium 
6. Switzerland 
7. Spain 
8. United Kingdom 
9. Canada 
10. Italy 
Top 5 Language used:
1. German 
2. Dutch 
3. French 
4. Spanish 
5. English 
6. Portuguese

Narrow it down to the US, this is the Top Ten regions:
1. Massachusetts
2. Washington
3. Oregon
4. Minnesota
5. Wisconsin
6. Michigan
7. Connecticut
8. Maryland
9. Utah
10. North Carolina

And Top Ten Cities:
1. Seattle, WA,
2. Minneapolis, MN
3. Boston, MA
4. Raleigh, NC
5. Portland, OR
6. San Francisco, CA
7. Pleasanton, CA
8. Philadelphia, PA
9. Washington, DC
10. Austin, TX


Offline core

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Now this is Playmobil (blue) vs. Fisher Price (red) in the US, and then 'globally':

Almost similar cyclic trends, but look at the difference in search volume US and globally!

Offline core

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And one final interesting comparison, Paymobil and Lego, globally.

Well, now that we have another tool as 'professional unpaid Playmobil/Geobra marketing analyst', what's your take   :P

Offline Martin Milner

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Very interesting, and another analysis tool that Playmobil should be using.

We can see the pre-Christmas boost in activity each year, and occasional bumps due to release of financial information or product recalls.

If you do similar search on Mattel, it reveals that Mattel is NOT a term people search on much until there's a product recall. Playmobil, Lego and Fisher Price are recognised brand names, but Mattel is not, it's a manufacturer,and people will search on a particular product line.

A search on Barbie is interesting, the Christmas bump is not nearly so pronounced, but growth rate seems higher.

Offline Sir Gareth

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The US isn't in the top 10 but Canada is  ???

I actually would of put the US above the UK, very interesting stats.
I'm only human, born to make mistakes.

Offline socrates

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I guess the fisher price peak in mid 2007 is due to the chinese toy scandal... its another prove: there is no bad publicity.    ;)

thanks for bringing this up. very interesting, indeed.


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Offline Martin Milner

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Result for Playmobil on Google Trends
« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2009, 12:09:51 »

I'm resurrecting this old thread after looking at the Search frequency for Playmobil.

It's no suprise that search frequency increases in the month before Christmas, but 2008 was a lot down on 2007.  This is partly reflected across the board (Fisher-Price and Lego were also down), no doubt due to the global reception but the dropoff on Playmobil searches seems greater.

Narrowing down to The US, and I see Portland, Oregon, as the second highest city for searches, and Oregon as the 4th highest state.

Gepetto, care to comment?  ;)

Offline Rasputin

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I found it quite interesting that if you do a US trend of Playmobil and Fisher Price here Playmobil in 04-07 was really not searched for until Christmas . Then the toy recall of 07 and then in 07-08  the toy gets searched for and they are on the charts . I can see why Playmobil was so adamant on advertising the German made angle . It really did bring them out of the closet for the US market .   

Hans death surely did get the buzz in the news volume section as well .

I never knew this tool existed so thank you for bringing it to our attention  :wow:
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Offline Gepetto

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Re: Result for Playmobil on Google Trends
« Reply #8 on: March 16, 2009, 20:29:19 »
Narrowing down to The US, and I see Portland, Oregon, as the second highest city for searches, and Oregon as the 4th highest state.

Gepetto, care to comment?  ;)


I will ask around and try to find out who is doing this! :lens:
