You jammy dodger! I wonder how long that's been sitting around on the shelves being overlooked by the less descrimitaing public?
Now you did ask if they had any more Playmobil out back in the storage room, didn't you?
I've no idea what a jammy dodger is, so thank you? And of course I asked for more, sadly no luck, but the terrible irony was the clerk told me how she had passed on it (for her sons) when she began working there, because she figured out it was the 'obsolete' building sysytem....
...and this is actually my second "HOLEY MOLEY!!!" score of the last month. My wife(the new convert to Playmobil) and I went on a hunt and she purchased me a fantastic Valentine's Gift: 3841 Dragon's Temple!!!!
At the same store, I grabbed (for trade??) 2x 4573 Clown Beppo, 2x 4621 US Firefighter, and 3037 Gold Transport. Left 3004, 3016, 3023 Fort Eagle, 3172, 3957, and 3019 Fairy Tale Castle (took pics on my phone of the set #s so I'd remember).