After going through all of the new items in this special section several times

I noticed some small details that I am excited about:
Pavillion party tent (part of the church/wedding theme:) has some food items that seem new to me. Besides the "modern" wedding cake with the micro-sized bride & groom (I wonder if it comes apart in individual layers - that would be cool) there is a "bundt" type cake, conventional bread loaf and a basket of what appear to be individual muffins. Love the clear wine glasses - the "white" wine ones are good, but "blue" wine???

Also, is that arborvitae a new plant type?
4346 Vet office: has flexible bandages for the animals (good for klickies, too, perhaps?) and what appears to be a dino xray along with the animal ones
4348 Hamsters: has a nice clear box for the cage which would have many other uses
All of the micro sets are great - I love the idea of Klicky children having all of these Playmobil toys of their very own. The next new Micro set really ought to be trains!!!!
4445 Airplane: as many have already pointed out it will have lots of military custom uses - I like it for the opening scenes of "Raiders of the Lost Ark!"
4678 Musketeer: although he doesn't have the requisite musket (as Timotheos has already observed

) he does have a nice chunk of shiny gold - I must acquire many bags of this - I don't know why they didn't actually give us gold with the 3802 gold mine!

4680 new snowman: I just like his carrot nose and pot for a hat - cute
There is so much more - I am not even going to talk about the Egyptian stuff - that would take all day!

- Anne