Author Topic: When you see Greek Persian and Trojan Playmo you can thank me!  (Read 4774 times)

Offline Pyrrhus

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Re: When you see Greek Persian and Trojan Playmo you can thank me!
« Reply #10 on: February 18, 2008, 16:05:53 »
Congratulations Martin!!!  :wow:

You had even a better and lenghtier response than me!!!

Here I attach what I asked Playmobil about the Hellenistic-Greek.

Let us wait for those Greeks!

I was not personally interested on the Persians or Trojans (although they would be wonderful!), because with the Greek hoplites we can directly fight Romans (at the siege of Syracuse and conquest fo Greece); the same with the Hellenistic phalanges.

I now also regret having asked for Carthaginian war elephants, as Hellenistic armies had elephants by themselves, as the Hellenistic leader Pyrrhus (the real one) who carried elephants to Italy to fight Rome before the Carthaginians. Indeed, was Pyrrhus the one from whom the Carthaginians learned of using elephants at war (after fighting Rome, he moved to  Sicily to fight Carthage on the side of Greek cities such as Syracuse, with their catapults)

Offline Timotheos

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Re: When you see Greek Persian and Trojan Playmo you can thank me!
« Reply #11 on: February 24, 2008, 02:02:07 »

I now also regret having asked for Carthaginian war elephants, as Hellenistic armies had elephants by themselves, as the Hellenistic leader Pyrrhus (the real one) who carried elephants to Italy to fight Rome before the Carthaginians. Indeed, was Pyrrhus the one from whom the Carthaginians learned of using elephants at war (after fighting Rome, he moved to  Sicily to fight Carthage on the side of Greek cities such as Syracuse, with their catapults)

Don't worry. 
PM probably isn't rushing to implement the Carthage theme.
Though it's nice to believe we have that sort of influence!

Offline CountBogro

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Re: When you see Greek Persian and Trojan Playmo you can thank me!
« Reply #12 on: February 24, 2008, 07:40:32 »
Playmobil hardly ever rushes  into something. It takes them two years from design to release.
So, even if they do start of NOW, you wouldn't see it in the shops before 2010.
Unless you're outside Germany and the Netherlands - then it's not before 2011  :(

... and then dusk came and brought despair.

Offline Martin Milner

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Re: When you see Greek Persian and Trojan Playmo you can thank me!
« Reply #13 on: February 24, 2008, 07:45:24 »
I wasn't expecting to see these in the UK shops for the summer!

I know there's at least a 3 year delay between idea and production, which is why we need to prime the pump now.

Offline Timotheos

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Re: When you see Greek Persian and Trojan Playmo you can thank me!
« Reply #14 on: March 04, 2008, 14:21:52 »
I bet something as obscure as Carthage won't bubble to the top of Playmobil's to do list, unless a Hannibal movie comes out and hits it really big.  Even the recent Alexander the Great movies haven't spawned an Alexander theme.  (with the exception of the Biblical sets and Cleopatra, PM even seems to shy from exact personages... example: the Rome set provides no obvious Julius Caesar or Marc Antony though most other toy companies would provide us with nothing but a 1000 different Marc Antonys)
But I can envision a Trojan horse.  It would be swell if PM expanded the fairy tale theme to Greek myths.  Maybe I should write!


Offline Pyrrhus

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Re: When you see Greek Persian and Trojan Playmo you can thank me!
« Reply #15 on: March 09, 2008, 18:42:37 »
Timotheos, I do not believe I am as important so that Playmobil will do anything I say. That kind of pedantry on my part would border stupidity. Just think that the more you ask to a person, the more likely is that the person we are talking about less attention pays. I think it most fruitful to ask for few things.

Not even in this case do I think they will do a line just because a person says them to. But if many people does, it is more probable... When we ask, we are just adding a bit more to that "many" (if it finally ends in a "many" after all). It is like when you vote, one by itself does almost nothing, just along with many other persons.

I wrote Playmobil back in 2001 for they to make a Roman line. I am not saying that because of me they made it, surely they heard many people interested (or looked many people was buying Roman-based toys).