. . . A concept I would love to see (but would take a serious commitment from Geobra/Br.):
A computer game/software that is a CAD (computer aided design) for Playmobil structures. The parts - probably just System X and other current release structure parts - would be programmed in, so you could make buildings that could actually be built. A possible income route for them would be to have the program create a parts list of what you have used in the building and then you could send the list off to a Playmobil email address and they would respond with the cost. If you could afford it you could respond with an order for the parts and they would be shipped to you. The game could have you set your location so the prices and part source would be correct for your closest shipping. The costs could potentially be stored in the game but it would require an updating process so they would stay current, as would the available parts to use in the CAD.
Even better for the castle fans out there would be a Steck expansion that would allow creation of those sorts of buildings too - and if they stocked the parts you can bet lots of people would be buying all sorts of Steck to make buildings with too.

Tim - this is what I have been fantasizing about for years! I even investigated available CAD software to see what was around that could handle such a project (I didn't get very far though

) I felt that such a program would also be a way for people to inventory the parts and sets they already have so that they can not only organize their collections but also experiment with virtual designs and know what additional parts are needed (as you were suggesting with the program generated price list.) I imagined the possibility of changing colors as desired, too, so that one could see what a white steck castle would look like, for example. This could also provide the basis for computer animations of Playmobil scenes. Customizers would be able to see what their desired creations would look like before taking all those klickies apart. I think that this type of software would be not only be a stand-alone success as a "game" but, as you say, Tim, a real potential money-maker for Geobra as people discover all the new designs they can make if they only had the right parts! It is a wonderful idea! Tim, you have done such a beautiful job with
www.animobil.info, how much more difficult could this project be???

Zirndorf absolutely hates it when Lego has something that they don't have (and vice versa) ... 
If we all keep talking up how really cool Lego's FANTASTIC downloadable design system is, the "message" will find it's way to Klicky Towers. What would really help is if one of our own program geniuses could find a way to modify the Lego program so that it works for Playmobil.
Right on, Richard! Let's do it!
I am now going over right now to look at that