This I believe why the market for Playmobil has not been a big success in the USA. By the time it is released here, it is almost done in Europe. Sets that have run their course for 2 to 4 years in Europe have a life span of only a year and a half at most in the US.
DM ...
Why Playmobil does NOT sell as well in the US AND the UK as it does in Germany, is a question that has plagued Zirndorf for years.
You offer a very interesting possibility,
Even during the pre-internet days, we all knew what sets we would be seeing a year later than Germany.
And, by the time the "year old" sets finally reached the US, it was anti-climatic. Those "old' new sets had about all the excitement of receiving "hand-me-downs" at Christmas.
In fact, it could be argued that the USA and UK have an extra year in which to buy items as they can buy from European distributors during the 12 months items are not yet released in the UK and USA.
I can't think of anything worse,
Gordon, than having "hand-me-downs' that last a year longer than they should ...

It seems that
Donmobil may actually have the answer to one of Zirndorf's most perplexing questions!
DM, if I were you, I'd fire off an email to
Horst Brandstätter immediately. If you're supposition is correct, who knows how
Mr. Brandstätter might show his appreciation.
Good luck and all the best,
edit: missspelled 2nd Brandstätter ...