Author Topic: Wiltopia Happy Meal deal should include at least a klicky  (Read 5015 times)

Offline Heronimus

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This truly is a great campaign to gain more exposure of Playmobil from the young generation.

But don't you guys agree the whole set should at least include a klicky, like a zoo keeper or a visiting kid figure, to open up the true Playmobil Door for the kids? Currently it does not really differentiate playmobil animals from other generic plastic toys.

Cost could be an issue given how the lion and wolf are not really movable, but they have really missed a great opportunity to give the kids a hook to the essence of Playmobil. ???

Offline ZooKeeper

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Re: Wiltopia Happy Meal deal should include at least a klicky
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2024, 01:23:22 »
Not too sure about this tbh.

Which kid would prefer a random poop-shoveling zookeeper-klicky when you can have a lion, elephant or wolf instead?

In order to change that, the whole Wiltopia-theme had to be much more character-driven with an appealing hero like "Beastmaster" from the 80s for example.

With the more family-/science-approach they chose, it's obviously an attack on Schleich and similar producers of animal-figures and therefore it seems logical to put the animals front and center for the McD-promotion.

Offline Rasputin

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Re: Wiltopia Happy Meal deal should include at least a klicky
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2024, 05:07:50 »
First time I’m hearing about this

In what McD’s ? Europe, US ?
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Offline Heronimus

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Re: Wiltopia Happy Meal deal should include at least a klicky
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2024, 08:30:35 »
First time I’m hearing about this

In what McD’s ? Europe, US ?

It should be available in Germany, some European and Asian countries. Us in Hong Kong got only 8 in the series, and those in Europe can collect up to 14 of them.

Unfortunately I only noticed this campaign yesterday and managed to get hold of the Orangutan only. The back stated it is specifically made for Mc Donald, and not as movable as their Wiltopia counterparts though.

Offline GrahamB

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Re: Wiltopia Happy Meal deal should include at least a klicky
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2024, 08:42:50 »
... it's obviously an attack on Schleich...

Geobra were looking to take over Schleich a little while ago - did that not happen?
At that moment the ship suddenly stopped rocking and swaying, the engine pitch settled down to a gentle hum. 'Hey Ford.' said Zaphod, 'that sounds good. Have you worked out the controls on this boat?' 'No,' said Ford, 'I just stopped fiddling with them.' (With thanks to Douglas Adams)

Offline Redmao

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Re: Wiltopia Happy Meal deal should include at least a klicky
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2024, 11:47:29 »
My first klicky was the Indian from McDonalds. It's nice that after all these years they are making a new promo. I wish it was world wide though.

Offline Oliver

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Re: Wiltopia Happy Meal deal should include at least a klicky
« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2024, 15:44:10 »
I think the press release said 70 countries, but I don't know if there is a way of finding out which countries it's running in

Offline tahra

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Re: Wiltopia Happy Meal deal should include at least a klicky
« Reply #7 on: May 04, 2024, 15:51:19 »
Keep in mind the animals are not real playmoanimals...

Made in China, Vietnam and the like.  Different positions though, and the colors are also off, so.. different.

Here in Portugal it started yesterday (well, the place near my work, some had them earlier last week).  I hope I survive this. My cholesterol is happy.

Offline Tiermann

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Re: Wiltopia Happy Meal deal should include at least a klicky
« Reply #8 on: May 04, 2024, 16:36:21 »
It does not appear to be coming to the US. The announced calendar of Happy Meal Toys is all movie tie ins here, no mention of Playmobil. It is out in various places already, and will be hitting international eBay sites quickly if not already there. Amclicks has a good thread about it.

Offline Oliver

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Re: Wiltopia Happy Meal deal should include at least a klicky
« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2024, 03:44:45 »
Keep in mind the animals are not real playmoanimals...

Made in China, Vietnam and the like.  Different positions though, and the colors are also off, so.. different.

That is probably why there is no Klicky then, if they're not being manufactured at the regular factories.