I think that you may be correct about the legs Martin, but on the little pixie and not the clown ...
However, that's just a guess. So, whatever it is, Sylvia, it isn't very obvious.
Yes, I did alter the legs on both the fairy and the clown, but this was deliberate.
I couldn't allow the child in fairy costume to go walking around at night without shoes because her feet would get too cold!
You are both on the right track because the error has to do with legs - but it's
animal legs, not klicky legs.
Real dogs can not walk the way the one in my picture is doing. If they did, they would probably lose their balance and fall over.
It wasn't until after I packed everything away and finished editing the pic that I remembered the old rule about horses and other quadruped animals. (Here's a page which shows illustrations of
correct gait.)
Great pair of pumpkins you have there,
Martin! One of my older sons carved the face in our pumpkin this year... after I had spent probably an hour hollowing it out.
Is there an easy way to do that? I seem to end up with blisters and cuts every year. The only fun part for me is eating the homemade pumpkin soup afterwards.
Here's some pics taken earlier this evening. The first shows our finished pumpkin and the others are my children in their costumes. The drunk hobo look was not my idea, btw. Kieran came up with that one.