I’m looking forward to seeing picture of your "Dreamlands" diorama.
The pictures of the new novelmore diorama look promising.
The second picture has two different colours of mushrooms in it. They look a bit faded compared to the rest. Are those from the new Wiltopia/recycled plastic sets? Do all the Wiltopia and other recycled sets (including klickys) look faded or is it just certain parts?
I will post pictures of my third ever diorama "Dreamlands" soon! Meanwhile I have been building a diorama called " 't Cruydt int Kasteel" in a real castle. The opening was on 13/08 and I have been on tv and in the newspaper since. The article was about the taboo Playmobil collecting and diorama building. It is not only for children!!
On 16-17/09 I will have my 5th ever diorama called "Rainforestation Park". It will be smaller than planned and won't included everything from the pictures that were posted before but I can assure it will turn out great!
The mushrooms are indeed both of the PLAYMOBIL Wiltopia product range. Most parts look pretty much faded yes.