Martin mentioned he was designing some medievals based on existing playmobil parts. I've attached pictures of a few I pieced together over the last few months. In this case, my focus is augmenting a lack of "officially" medieval accessories with parts from other themes that fit not-bad into medieval.
1) The peasant woman with the blue hat is the add-on pack viking wife with ponytail black hair and the pirate special head-kerchief (and a sickle).
2) The peasant man with the blue turban borrows the blue turban from the modern train station African woman traveler (ordered via DS)(turbans were common in medieval times, being just a strip of cloth wrapped around the head for warmth). He otherwise was the viking king from the viking king with young prince set.
3) The peasant girl with the laurel garland is the "magnificent lady" with the Roman senator's legs, the pirate special's vest, and the roman senator's laurel wreath. According to my book on 15th century fashions, head garlands were a common accessory for women.
4) The blonde hatless man is the pirate special stripped of his stuff with the blonde hair and ponytail from the viking wife of item 1).
5) The peasant in the red hat is wearing the old style Santa Clause / Sinter Klaas hat, which doubles fine as the ubiquitous long hat ("smurf hat") worn by medieval peasants.
6) Inspired by Martin's comments in Playmoboard, my Roman cavalryman is one of those chain-mail legionaires from the add-on set wearing a gallic helm instead of the spangenhelm and wielding a broadsword like the longer sword used by the Roman cavalry. (*Which incidentally doesn't fit well in his scabbard)