Author Topic: What specific items/pieces would you like to see?  (Read 26289 times)

Offline Oliver

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Re: What specific items/pieces would you like to see?
« Reply #10 on: May 27, 2021, 03:06:10 »
They do have an autumn inspired set, 9863. But I wasn’t really impressed.
(I made a suggestion to customer service NL a year ago to do something season related and 9 months later these sets appeared. Do they really listen to the suggestions or was it a weird coincidence??)

I've no idea if they still do, but they certainly used to track customer suggestions - I wrote to them when I was about 8 or 9, and they wrote back and the letter specifically mentioned what I'd asked for (it wasn't just a standardised response). I even think at one point they said they got lots of requests for Romans, but it was all from older children and that's why they hadn't produced Roman sets (at the time).

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Re: What specific items/pieces would you like to see?
« Reply #11 on: May 27, 2021, 07:42:20 »
I wouldn't know where to start. In steck alone, just hire the 3D/resin guys. (my wallet would KILL me)

But right now, I'd prefer them to just not use those horrid bodies. Especially ruining what would be some of the best klickys EVER. IMO. No, I am not over this. I don't know if I ever will be.

More non-fighting klickys (well, and stuff) in all "historic/fantasy" themes.  And stop with the pink idiocy.

Love the idea of the plough - a perfect example of "non-fighting" :)

And clickies with rubber boots, rain coats and/or an umbrella

How would these be different from existing parts?

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Re: What specific items/pieces would you like to see?
« Reply #12 on: May 27, 2021, 09:23:26 »
I have too many wishes that would fill this wish list, so I’ll have to think some more and return to this in order to pick some of my top wishes... I will say, however, the creations of “playmolook” are usually quite nice. I’m not positive if it was “playmolook”, but I do believe I’ve seen a plow. I have some of their creations and they blend well into the playmobil world...

Offline Klicky_Ghost

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Re: What specific items/pieces would you like to see?
« Reply #13 on: May 27, 2021, 22:23:50 »
They do have an autumn inspired set, 9863. But I wasn’t really impressed.

Totally forgot about 9863! The "seasons" sets of 9861-9864 were a nice start, but (as you mentioned) very underwhelming! The spring florist and summer sets are probably my favorites, but even those are a fairly uninspired little sets. Playmobil has zero qualms about reusing molds all willy nilly, so why not add a few pumpkins and a few bales of hay? Maybe a wagon to carry the baskets of apples?!
(I made a suggestion to customer service NL a year ago to do something season related and 9 months later these sets appeared. Do they really listen to the suggestions or was it a weird coincidence??)

I would like to believe they received your email an instantly sent these sets into production. Would you be able to email a few more suggestions their way on my behalf?  :lol: In all seriousness, it would be encouraging to think that the creative team at Playmobil considers and discusses viable suggestions from consumers.

I wrote to them when I was about 8 or 9, and they wrote back and the letter specifically mentioned what I'd asked for (it wasn't just a standardised response). I even think at one point they said they got lots of requests for Romans, but it was all from older children and that's why they hadn't produced Roman sets (at the time).

I'm having flashbacks to the several encouraging response letters I got to my suggestions c.1997-1998. Like, sure, they were totally going to seriously consider manufacturing a Playmobil Titanic:lol: Hey, a boy can dream, can't he? At least Romans seems like a much more viable suggestion, and clearly very successful!

I wouldn't know where to start. In steck alone, just hire the 3D/resin guys. (my wallet would KILL me)

Yes, there are several really great custom Steck sets. I'm particularly in love with the PlayMoebius cathedral and neoclassical pieces. It would be wonderful if Playmobil would manufacture a new set in Steck, particularly an 18th century/neoclassical design.

I will say, however, the creations of “playmolook” are usually quite nice. I’m not positive if it was “playmolook”, but I do believe I’ve seen a plow. I have some of their creations and they blend well into the playmobil world...

I've had the Playmolook Victorian camera on my wish list for ages, and just haven't been able to justify the cost yet. It would be great if Playmobil would reissue set 5401, though I actually prefer the look of the Playmolook camera judging from pictures. 
« Last Edit: May 27, 2021, 22:30:37 by Klicky_Ghost »
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Offline IJL

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Re: What specific items/pieces would you like to see?
« Reply #14 on: May 28, 2021, 02:03:29 »
I can’t believe how much overlap there is between my wish list and what people have already said.

  • vintage sewing machine
  • phonograph
  • ox-drawn plow
  • pretzels for the pretzel vendor!
  • penny farthing bicycle
  • Cerberus and a Minotaur for the Greek mythology series

Then there are the things that have been done, but are hard to find, like the victorian camera.

To start, my current wish list would include:

  • An antique sewing machine
  • A phonograph
  • A grand piano in black or "wood" (not lounge-singer white!)
  • A printing press (similar to this custom I came across)

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Re: What specific items/pieces would you like to see?
« Reply #15 on: May 28, 2021, 10:13:21 »
Ohhh a Minotaur would be great, that’s a wonderful suggestion!.. and to be honest “playmolook” has prices that are somewhat expensive, but their creations are necessary because of the lack of products available... I think my primary wishlist would consist of an extension of steck walls and accessories. If playmobil expanded traditional castle lines with supplements for creativity, they would immediately beat out all competitors as well as showing they care about the people who have loved their products for decades. I don’t think this idea would cut into profits because if people enjoy their play sets, then those sets will still be bought, or at least I don’t think it would be a business decision that would be without significant profit. I can’t imagine how much money they would make from steck blister packs (they could charge a premium and I would pay with a smile)’s to dreaming!..

Offline tahra

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Re: What specific items/pieces would you like to see?
« Reply #16 on: May 28, 2021, 10:52:27 »
I think my primary wishlist would consist of an extension of steck walls and accessories.

That'd do... To buy them from customs is just not doable, in my case. I mean, a part, yes... but for most you need a BUNCH of them, and it's a fortune. Imagine a tower with 6 sides, for example? At the VERY LEAST, it would NEED 2 floors (proabably 3).. enough said.

If playmobil expanded traditional castle lines with supplements for creativity, they would immediately beat out all competitors as well as showing they care about the people who have loved their products for decades.

Ah, but they have proven over and over again they don't give a darn about us. No, catering to other collectors seems to be the thing now. To Tartarus with PLAYMOBIL collectors. Let's try to ge some BTTF collectors to buy 6 sets. Yay.

I don’t think this idea would cut into profits because if people enjoy their play sets, then those sets will still be bought, or at least I don’t think it would be a business decision that would be without significant profit. I can’t imagine how much money they would make from steck blister packs (they could charge a premium and I would pay with a smile)’s to dreaming!..

But that is also a no-no. I mean, we DO know profit is not their goal.

A shame, really, that steck is not being produced and expanded (or even just reissued - can I? 7400! 7400! 7400! 7400! 7400! 7400! 7400! 7400! )

One day, it WILL be doable to buy steck by the load from customizers. I hope.

Offline Oliver

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Re: What specific items/pieces would you like to see?
« Reply #17 on: May 28, 2021, 15:34:34 »
I can’t imagine how much money they would make from steck blister packs (they could charge a premium and I would pay with a smile)’s to dreaming!..

I'm not able to run the figures on the re-issues, but I strongly suspect they've never had a re-issue that's retailed at more than the original in real terms - and that's before we take into account how may of them are sold during the periodic sales/end up being heavily reduced (this definitely applies more to the Western line, but I suspect it's all mentally lumped together at Playmobil HQ).

Offline Tiermann

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Re: What specific items/pieces would you like to see?
« Reply #18 on: May 28, 2021, 20:19:48 »
Big yes on Cerberus and Minotaur. While at it might as well ask for a Faun or Satyr  and a Centaur. Centaurs have been super popular in customs for years now.

The Victorian camera will be back this Christmas in the next Back to the Future advent calendar. Many of us are happy about that.

They do seem to read these threads sometimes. We have a long time thread on animals people want to see and a great many of them have turned up over the years. The recent red panda looks exactly like one someone posted a drawing of a few years back in that thread. The swan was one of my suggestions a long time ago and it happened. The ice cream shop using the harbor set pieces that came out this year is almost an exact copy of a custom one I did in a diorama posted here a few years ago.

Offline Klicky_Ghost

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Re: What specific items/pieces would you like to see?
« Reply #19 on: May 30, 2021, 05:48:42 »

    • vintage sewing machine
    • phonograph

    If Playmobil isn't going to reissue old sets, it would be nice if they would at least expand on old sets once in a while by releasing new add-ons that fit into the themes of old sets. For instance, they could release a Victorian seamstress with an old sewing machine and a few other accessories; or a 1900 garden party with a phonograph, maybe a butterfly net or croquet set.

    • penny farthing bicycle

    I love this idea :love: ! A figure with an old-fashioned bicycle would be popular, I would think.

    Then there are the things that have been done, but are hard to find, like the victorian camera.

    Yes, they reissued the Victorian laundress, which I can't imagine a lot of people were asking for (though I was thrilled). Why can't they reissue some of the sets which are sure to be more popular, and presumably just as easy to produce, like the Flower Seller (5400)?

    The Victorian camera will be back this Christmas in the next Back to the Future advent calendar. Many of us are happy about that.

    Add me to the list! Looking at pictures released, I actually prefer the coloration of this version to the old one. Super exciting news! [/list]
    « Last Edit: May 31, 2021, 04:41:11 by GrahamB »
    We get up at twelve and start to work at one, take an hour for lunch, and then at two we're done.