As mentioned in one of my earlier posts, the relative from whom I inherited this large Victorian mansion was quite the collector—though "hoarder" might be a more apt term. There seems to be no end to the pictures & paintings, art & antiques—not to mention knicknacks and bric-a-brac—and I have been so busy searching through the cluttered collection, that I often entirely miss gems that are hidden right in front of my face.
A good example is the painting hanging above the fireplace in the sitting room. I had never paid much attention to the painting until today, when I was dusting the fireplace mantel and noticed the signature in the corner of the painting: "La Lande." It was then that I realized that this was a painting by none other than the famed 19th century artist Henri Louis La Lande! La Lande gained prominence in the 1860s with his highly detailed portraits of European nobility. After doing some research, I have discovered that this painting is an 1886 piece entitled "A Musical Party," and features three prominent figures of late 19th-century London high society.
In the center at the harp is Lady Edwina Elliott; she is perhaps better known for her series of autobiographical books detailing her life in India, where her husband worked for the Viceroy. To the right playing the violoncello is Sir Henry Hastings, a long-standing Member of Parliament and a favorite of Queen Victoria. To the left at the pianoforte is Madame Denise Deschamps, a French
émigré with a mysterious past who was rumored to be a spy.
There seems to be a solo portrait by La Lande of Lady Edwina painted at the same time, which now hangs at the National Portrait Gallery:
In the corner of the sitting room is a much smaller painting which I had seen several times before, but it was only today that I realized that the woman in the painting is none other than
Pauline! There is no other information on the painting—no date, no signature, no title—that would help shed light on the identity of Pauline, but this must surely date to around the same period as the Stitzl portrait, or slightly before.