Author Topic: F?gures Ideas  (Read 12897 times)

Offline Hadoque

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Re: F?gures Ideas
« Reply #20 on: May 16, 2021, 23:28:02 »
Nice to read they´re appreciated.  :)

Do you sell any of your custom figures?

Not as of yet. Usually the customs I make are for my own purposes and so I don´t make (much) multiples, army-building aside.
Also, I live in the country with the EU´s capital, where shipping-rates to send even some dust abroad are rather high.

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Offline playmovictorian

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Re: F?gures Ideas
« Reply #21 on: May 20, 2021, 09:41:55 »
I would love an Alice in Wonderland theme to organize a tea party  :love:

On the same topic, I have seen a few Mary Poppins figures on Instagram with a black outfit and a orange and red striped scarf which I assume is a custom made figure, isn't it ?

I will one day try and recreate the set of Cherry Tree Lane  :cloud9:
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Offline Oliver

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Re: F?gures Ideas
« Reply #22 on: May 20, 2021, 15:32:33 »
I would love an Alice in Wonderland theme to organize a tea party  :love:

On the same topic, I have seen a few Mary Poppins figures on Instagram with a black outfit and a orange and red striped scarf which I assume is a custom made figure, isn't it ?

I will one day try and recreate the set of Cherry Tree Lane  :cloud9:

I have suggested Alice in Wonderland elsewhere (crucially being out-of-copyright would make it an easy win).

I did also think of Mary Poppins. PL Travers famously hated the movie, but I guess her estate is more interested in the cash more relaxed, since they allowed the sequel, so it might not be totally hopeless

Offline Klicky_Ghost

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Re: F?gures Ideas
« Reply #23 on: May 22, 2021, 18:15:25 »
I would love an Alice in Wonderland theme to organize a tea party  :love:

An Alice in Wonderland theme would be absolutely lovely, and could make some really great Playmobil sets  :love: (is there a thread for set ideas?). It's the sort of idea that I think works really well with Playmobil, because it can easily broken up into multiple smaller and larger sets, as well as individual or grouped figures. The Mad Hatter would make an awesome klicky, and "The Mad Hatter's Tea Party" could make a great set concept. I believe Playmobil has made a few different iterations of the "Queen of Hearts"; "Croquet with the Queen of Hearts" could be a cool set concept. I would love to see the Caterpillar, sitting on a mushroom with his hookah! Plus they could easily make the White Rabbit and March Hare now that they have those klickies with creepy rabbit heads.
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Offline Macruran

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Re: F?gures Ideas
« Reply #24 on: May 22, 2021, 21:11:54 »
Alice would be a great theme. Wonder if it's public domain yet.
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Offline Klicky_Ghost

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Re: F?gures Ideas
« Reply #25 on: May 23, 2021, 09:06:39 »
Alice would be a great theme. Wonder if it's public domain yet.

Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) died in 1898, more than 100 years ago, so the Alice and Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass characters should all be in the public domain. However, Playmobil would have to be careful not to directly reference the character design from the 1951 animated Disney film. I think the "Queen of Hearts" figure (70239) is a good interpretation.

Some other F?gures that might be nice to see:

  • A "Twiggy" or 60s mod figure
  • Some modern Goth or Punk Rock figures
  • Hansel and Gretel
  • Rumpelstiltskin
  • Briar Rose

Playmobil has already done Little Red Riding Hood, The Frog Prince, Snow White, Rapunzel, and Cinderella, so it makes sense for them to continue their fairy tale figures.
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Offline Oliver

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Re: F?gures Ideas
« Reply #26 on: May 23, 2021, 09:48:02 »
Alice would be a great theme. Wonder if it's public domain yet.

It is, and I don't even think there'd be any overlap with Disney (I'm not sure if I've seen the Disney movie, but I don't think there's anything original to it) - and I don't even think the Disney (or any film version) has had a particular impact on the public imagination.

I'd like a revival of the fairy tale sets, though I'd prefer them to be proper sets than Figures (I must admit that thought I was in the Wizard of Oz thread when I mentioned Alice!)

Offline Klicky_Ghost

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Re: F?gures Ideas
« Reply #27 on: June 10, 2021, 03:55:25 »
I was just thinking today that Nosferatu could make a cool figure.  :skull:
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Offline Tiermann

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Re: F?gures Ideas
« Reply #28 on: June 10, 2021, 04:05:48 »
Would love to see the crash test dummy done in silver as an android. And maybe gold as well? ;)

Also the star costume mold from Everdreamerz 3 done in silver and gold as Christmas time costumes.

Female version of the s 19 orc, to use that wonderful head again.

Offline IJL

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Re: F?gures Ideas
« Reply #29 on: June 15, 2021, 19:23:21 »
Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) died in 1898, more than 100 years ago, so the Alice and Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass characters should all be in the public domain. However, Playmobil would have to be careful not to directly reference the character design from the 1951 animated Disney film. I think the "Queen of Hearts" figure (70239) is a good interpretation.

Some other F?gures that might be nice to see:

  • A "Twiggy" or 60s mod figure
  • Some modern Goth or Punk Rock figures
  • Hansel and Gretel
  • Rumpelstiltskin
  • Briar Rose

Playmobil has already done Little Red Riding Hood, The Frog Prince, Snow White, Rapunzel, and Cinderella, so it makes sense for them to continue their fairy tale figures.

Yes, Wonderland and more fairy tales would be great and should have broad appeal among children and adults.
Hansel and Gretel has been done, right?