And, are customs forms something that the sending country requires, or the receiving? UK seems to require customs slips on anything leaving.
We have to put a customs label on anything that is sent outside of the European Union.
It's my understanding that the main requirements (regarding customs documentation) are set down by the receiving country rather than the one sending, but I think it's probably a mixture of both.
Some countries have very strict regulations regarding incoming mail. Canada, for example, insist on the sender's address being written in the top left corner of any package, rather than the reverse side. The US also prefer this, but (unlike Canada) I don't think they return as many incorrectly labelled packages to the sender. This is based on info I've picked up from chats with my local postmaster over the years.
I'm now in the habit of putting my return address on the front of all mail I send outside of the UK, just to be on the safe side.
I had to pay $30.00 postage from the United States Virgin Islands to Europe! ...
That's terrible!! It seems you're being heavily penalised for living in a slightly more remote area.
Sorry you got such a bum deal with the postage.