some random 123 klickys next..
I got the driver from
6718 ages ago (before I got into 123 properly). He came with a large lot of regular Playmobil is bought & with no car. He has a bit of a scar on his face, & I think maybe he had a bad accident & have race driving up to devote his life to snail riding instruction. I've named Michael, for 1 obvious reason, & also in honour of someone I used to know who was important to me.
this baby who I've named Matthew Jon (aka MJ) who was abandoned at a zoo & adopted by Richard (advent calendar farmer guy) & Peter (duck guy).
Peter & Richard was the name of a gay couple who I got my first cat from when I was just 4 (they were cat breeders who bred Persians - my cat wasn't a Persian, as a stray accessed their blue Persian female & they ended up with a litter of mostly brown tiger tabbys + a white female). They ran a fruit & veg shop in my village for a long time that was affectionately referred to as Duckies. They definitely need their own cat/s!