I had a
Fairy family 6561 recently where the girl had the lower part of one leg missing. I added a request for a replacement to my next DS parts order and got a new girl figure. I still have faith in geobra to do this sort of thing and it's one of the main reasons the company runs a parts service (not so collectors can make armies of 200 klickies!).
The other bonus was that the new figure was listed on my invoice
with it's official 8-digit part number, which was previously unknown and not listed on PlaymoDB. These sort of mistakes and rectifications can yield such useful information (without a part number, you cannot get spare parts from DS and sets like 6561 have no instruction sheets listing those part numbers).
So if you do request replacements for missing parts (you should!), please check to see if a useful part number shows up in the paperwork when they send you the replacement.