Chapter 2.- Mortal halberd.
Rage flooded his body. He felt the sweat under his helmet. Time was running out, and so were his men. The cries echoed out loud within the stone walls. Blood was pouring down the steps of the staircase, more and more, covering the bodies that were piling up in front of the first steps. Papapaco had had to leave his most select men, the flower and cream of his soldiers, protecting his wife. This complicated things, and that falcon... or rather that bird of ill omen, would not return alone.
For his honor, for his honor and the honor of the house of Mirinda. To all those who have fallen with hardly a chance to defend themselves. Out of loyalty to my king and for the life of my queen... not one of these dogs should lay his paws on my queen. Hell for all of them. And this halberd will give them all a passage to the underworld. Come, you scoundrels, come, I'm waiting for you. Take and taste a little of my blade. Beware, for in addition to cutting necks, I also pierce hearts and slit stomachs. AAAAAAhhhrrggggg!! FOR THE HOUSE MIRINDAAAAAA!!! FOR THE KING AND QUEEN!!!
Your Majesty, we have killed those who fled down the embankment on seeing us coming! And the Queen is safe!
I will reward the braves who have defended my Queen so bravely! A chest of gold coins for each of them!
Your Majesty, you will need only one chest. Here is Black Mirindorange, the royal halberdier. He held the fight at the top of the keep, before the door of your chamber. The rest of the gold can be used to buy new tapestries and carpets, for the blood of his enemies has left them all unrecoverable. The men say that from now on the tower will be climbed by the "Stairs of the Crimson Marble", because it has been so dyed that they can not get the color.