Author Topic: NICO´s humble customs  (Read 4334 times)

Offline klickyklack

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Re: NICO´s humble customs
« Reply #10 on: February 18, 2020, 21:44:58 »
Loving your customs, I wouldn't have guessed that you were quite new to customising, they're really beautifully done, I look forward to seeing how your work develops!

Offline NICO

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Re: NICO´s humble customs
« Reply #11 on: March 04, 2020, 21:29:13 »
A few Yankees here, troops who will someday join the Fort Randall troops resting on the loft of my parents' house...

They are not perfect, nor are they many, but perhaps they are the seeds of something that may be called Troop in the future...

And on this occasion, taking advantage of the fact that now that travel to Italy is cheap because of the coronavirus, they are sightseeing around Rome...  ;D

Offline NICO

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Re: NICO´s humble customs
« Reply #12 on: May 01, 2020, 07:45:01 »
Bronchur son of Brontur, dwarf warrior of the Iron Hills.

There's been too much news coming in lately. More and more orcs were making havoc of the nearby villages. This had worried the Dwarf King. He had finally summoned all his warriors to go out and find these unclean creatures and end the problem at once. Bronchur son of Brontur sharpened his axe and knife. He weighed his mace and began to burnish his shield.

When he was ready, he gathered all his equipment, said goodbye to his father and marched to the great hall of the King, ready to go into battle. Just as his father did, and his grandfather, and his grandfather's father and his grandfather's grandfather, and many generations before him. The handle of his axe could not fit any more notches. Countless were the Orcs who had been cut down by his lineage. And that would continue as long as the sun continued to rise in the east, until the end of time.

Offline NICO

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Re: NICO´s humble customs
« Reply #13 on: May 01, 2020, 08:05:44 »

The mercenary captain had it well thought out. A bold stroke perfectly executed. While the troops were on maneuvers. With its small garrison, the bastion was not defense enough. The surprised defenders had fallen easily and all that remained was to storm the keep. But they had to hurry back. They had not managed to shoot down the hawk thrown into the air by the remaining defenders.

King Papapaco: Revive the gallop! Stick your spurs in! We are about to arrive, and I swear I will not leave a head on your shoulders. Forward, my knights!

In command of the attack, through the visor of his helmet he watches his men fall. Narrow stairs like a path that ascends to death itself... But... the hoofs of the horses ring out, fall back!!

Papapaco, at last! - My love... Who do I have to thank for the life of my greatest treasure?

When the attack began, he thought the scoundrels were very cunning. They had managed to slip through the woods undetected. And they really hit at the worst possible time. They stopped the assault for now. They regroup for the final assault. I'm sure they think there's a few more of us left. If they knew there was only me left to defend the Queen... Fly away, you raptor! They're coming! Roooaarrrrhhh!!

Offline NICO

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Re: NICO´s humble customs
« Reply #14 on: May 01, 2020, 08:08:03 »
Chapter 2.- Mortal halberd.

Rage flooded his body. He felt the sweat under his helmet. Time was running out, and so were his men. The cries echoed out loud within the stone walls. Blood was pouring down the steps of the staircase, more and more, covering the bodies that were piling up in front of the first steps. Papapaco had had to leave his most select men, the flower and cream of his soldiers, protecting his wife. This complicated things, and that falcon... or rather that bird of ill omen, would not return alone.

For his honor, for his honor and the honor of the house of Mirinda. To all those who have fallen with hardly a chance to defend themselves. Out of loyalty to my king and for the life of my queen... not one of these dogs should lay his paws on my queen. Hell for all of them. And this halberd will give them all a passage to the underworld. Come, you scoundrels, come, I'm waiting for you. Take and taste a little of my blade. Beware, for in addition to cutting necks, I also pierce hearts and slit stomachs. AAAAAAhhhrrggggg!! FOR THE HOUSE MIRINDAAAAAA!!! FOR THE KING AND QUEEN!!!

Your Majesty, we have killed those who fled down the embankment on seeing us coming! And the Queen is safe!

I will reward the braves who have defended my Queen so bravely! A chest of gold coins for each of them!

Your Majesty, you will need only one chest. Here is Black Mirindorange, the royal halberdier. He held the fight at the top of the keep, before the door of your chamber. The rest of the gold can be used to buy new tapestries and carpets, for the blood of his enemies has left them all unrecoverable. The men say that from now on the tower will be climbed by the "Stairs of the Crimson Marble", because it has been so dyed that they can not get the color.

Offline tahra

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Re: NICO´s humble customs
« Reply #15 on: May 01, 2020, 19:50:38 »
The dwarf is lovely (is that a bow on his braid?)

The bent arms.. well.. I don't find it natural :-[  (or the space boots - but I think that's because I see them that way)

And.. great writing :)

Offline NICO

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Re: NICO´s humble customs
« Reply #16 on: May 02, 2020, 08:00:38 »

The dwarf is lovely (is that a bow on his braid?)

Yes, It is. An orange coloured one.  :love:

The bent arms.. well.. I don't find it natural :-[

They are my first bent arms. Some coleagues says than its difficult to stop when you start... but i dont will bent so much parts... or no?  ???

(or the space boots - but I think that's because I see them that way)

Also you can see strong armoured steel boots. After clean the printed on the legs, naturly.  8-)  (*Note*)

And.. great writing

Thank you sou much. I try to give a suitable context for each custom.  ;)

Thank also for your comments. Nice to read them!!  :) :) :)

 :wave: :wave:

(*Note*) A colleague from the playclick forum has created a series of customs that form a medieval clan: La Casa Mirinda

Mirinda House on playclicks forum

"Mirinda" was a brand of orange-flavored soft drinks, like Fanta. And all the members of the clan are distinguished by their use of the color orange.

Mirinda clan hymn (You need to see it standing with your hand on your heart)   ;D

This custom is a way to play with my partner from a distance. It wasn't easy to find orange legs among my scarce material. Also the arms have undergone a cleaning process with the magic cotton.

Finally, King Papapaco, after knowing of the feat performed by his royal halberdier, Black Mirindorange, communicated the following:

His Majesty Papapaco will certainly not forget the noble and praiseworthy deed of (ascended to) Sir Black Mirindorange.

« Last Edit: May 02, 2020, 08:17:06 by NICO »

Offline NICO

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Re: NICO´s humble customs
« Reply #17 on: August 04, 2020, 10:58:32 »

Today is a brown day, maybe if you look up in the sky you will see a beautiful blue day (Playmobil blue maybe?), but in my special Klickyworld you can be sure that today is brown.

First I made some customs with some brown pieces. Soon I exhausted my pieces, so I had to take my first steps on the spray paint. At first I only tried one colour and a cheap spray.

The first problems are normal. A lot of paint in some places. Parts of the piece that don't get enough paint. I realise that this is normal for a beginner.

Also, some of the customs I made were changed when they were in the hands of my son. I will leave them as they are for now. Although there are some monochrome legs, I am sure I will improve them.

In any case, with all the illusion of a beginner and with modesty, I present here my brown figures.

NOTE: Obviously I don't pretend to be the most original. In all probability my customs have already been created by more skilled and veteran hands.

Original and first brownie

Original version too. Second and third.

Two girls.

Two boys, sprayed.

More boys, sprayed rigth in your view.

Final version, my son´s touch

Offline GrahamB

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Re: NICO´s humble customs
« Reply #18 on: August 04, 2020, 11:34:28 »
Nice work Nico! I can't see any flaws in your paintwork and I know how hard it is to achieve an even finish. Did you use a primer under the colour coat?
Today is a grey day here.
At that moment the ship suddenly stopped rocking and swaying, the engine pitch settled down to a gentle hum. 'Hey Ford.' said Zaphod, 'that sounds good. Have you worked out the controls on this boat?' 'No,' said Ford, 'I just stopped fiddling with them.' (With thanks to Douglas Adams)

Offline Corso

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Re: NICO´s humble customs
« Reply #19 on: August 04, 2020, 15:45:25 »
They look like you just bought them that way. Amazing! Nice colors, perfectly executed 👍🏻