I'm glad it was well-received! Thanks to fellow Playmofriend JLMatterer for showing me how filters can drastically improve a photo.
But I am shocked
to see a bow mangled!
Guilty as charged! I liked the look enough to sacrifice a bow in order to achieve it.

I recognise the feeling, though didn't find 9525 Artemis all that bad (yours is looking much better, though). It is 70213 Aphrodite who really puts me off. So much that she is the only Greek god whom I did not obtain for my collection. Did you improve her as well?
It very much depends on one's own idea of the character, I reckon. My mental image of Greek gods is mostly flowing robes, tunics and skirts – illustrations by Libico Maraja shaped it this way when I was a child. Magenta Artemis looked... outlandish? to me.
I'm sorry to say no, I haven't tried to tackle Aphrodite: I wouldn't know where to start with her, I'm afraid.