It really made my day you liked my previous customs!
Now, for something a bit more substantial.
Quo Vadis stuck with me for quite some time after I read it, so I endeavoured to give a plastic form to a couple of the book characters.
First comes Nero (v.1), which you have already seen as my avatar. Suetonius describes him as
subflauus, which is to say, with some degree of approximation, blonde. He dons a laurel wreath (rather than the omnipresent golden one), as is typical of poets, which he fancied himself to be.

What would Nero do without a trusted
arbiter elegantiae by his side? Here's Petronius. Now I know there's really nothing to identify the klicky as such, so it might as well be anyone else – but hey, that's Petronius to me, not much more I can do.

Now, Petronius is the ultimate authority when it comes to saying what's cool and what's not, but an emperor as... straight-laced as Nero also needs someone to keep him safe.

Here comes Tigellinus, praetorian prefect, with the full might of the
cohortes praetorianae. Well, not the full might really, more like a centurion and two legionnaires. An "evil" head would arguably suit Tigellinus more, but apparently I have none around at the moment.

There's not much in the way of customizing really, but the end result kinda makes me happy.