Years ago, there was a gentleman from Germany on EBay who made a few for me, but he seems to have gone the way of the dodo.
"Vallote" probably?
Many years ago I bought some custom stickers from him, and I also sent him original stickers of pirates´ships to use as a basis for custom-stickers for such ships. I asked for specific colours and he made them.
But some years ago he passed away if I´m not mistaking (he surely got very ill), and the business was taken over by his brother or son or another relative, I don´t remember exactly. There are still a few offerings by the seller-name "Vallote" on eBay, but a whole lot less then a decade or more ago.
Maybe you could (try to) ask Arnaud (Cowabounga)? He can be found on Fakebook.
He used to be a very active member here but not anymore since a few years and I´m also not sure if he still reads here occasionally.
He too made me some very nice stickers some years back.