Not a review, don't have a decent camera at the moment to take pictures but thought I'd make some comments on it.
Off the bat it's plain weird. Prison cart as a trailer being towed by a chariot, all with scythed wheels.
Cart has a man-catcher on top and this Movie stuff seems to be similar to Super4 in that technology carried over from one world into the other.
The man-catcher is powered by some machine. There is a computer screen (sticker) behind the step at the back and the cart has two black cables which attach underneath. Don't loop these like the instructions suggest as they drag along the ground which is a bad look. There are slots underneath which they can be pushed into which tidies things up a bit. Also the grey control device, which is that techy looking grey accessory, can plug into one of the black cables. Why this isn't shown in the instructions or box art I don't know because it seems made for this purpose. The grey device once connected to a cable can be neatly clicked into one of the four clips on the side of the cart.
The other odd thing is the missile thrower mounted on the side of the cart.
On the other hand there are some parts in this set and the figures are excellent. The prison box looks to be similar size to the treasure box so would make a nice upgrade to an existing cart. The system x connectors allow for something better to be attached like the rings/door knocker things which hang from castles. I'd replace the missile thrower with a ring and the man-catcher on top with a hand hold (like the connection point of the missile thrower) but flames or something else could work too.