Please take a moment to appreciate the beauty of this.
Simple but brilliant, it is great PM at the top of its game: The "hair" and the neckpiece fit perfectly, constituting together a single wearable, effectively transcending the compartmentalization of PM parts (head|neck|arms|etc.) that had been the norm — head- and neckgear here are one.
I don't think the sheer brilliance of this leap forward has been sufficiently appreciated: certainly not by Geobra, where soon after its launch (2004, Knight's Empire Castle/Große Königsritterburg 3268 and associated sets, I believe), the idea was wrecked by some cretin who put the "hair"
without neckpiece onto some heedless victim of flawed design.¹ It has been downhill since.²
Best wishes
¹ A quick look at the Productarchiv yielded some specimina among the Vikings [who are beautiful, don't get me wrong!] of 2005.
² Not entirely, of course: some bold boundary-smashing can be encountered among the Stone Age figures, when shoulders meet neckpieces.