Author Topic: Layout for 10th Kirkbean Playmobil Exhibition, 26th to 29th July, 2019  (Read 8754 times)

Offline Junker Jörg

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a great new project is about to come! Looking forward to next steps  :). Maybe I'd try to arrange a track connection between both lines.

da entsteht etwas tolles Neues! Ich freu mich auf mehr. Vermutlich würde ich noch versuchen, beide Strecken miteinander zu verbinden.

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Offline GrahamB

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Going off topic for a moment (sorry Playmofire!)...

Hai Junker-Jorg

I do enjoy your bilingual posts as it helps me develop my understanding of German. I struggled to translate your by-line (Hier stehe ich, ich kann auch anders) and came up with "here I stand, I can also otherwise" although Google translate gave "here I am, I can do it differently". What say you?
At that moment the ship suddenly stopped rocking and swaying, the engine pitch settled down to a gentle hum. 'Hey Ford.' said Zaphod, 'that sounds good. Have you worked out the controls on this boat?' 'No,' said Ford, 'I just stopped fiddling with them.' (With thanks to Douglas Adams)

Offline Junker Jörg

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Cheers! This "quote" is a self made composition.

"Ich kann und will nicht widerrufen. Hier stehe ich, ich kann nicht anders, Gott helfe mir. Amen." is what German reformer Martin Luther is said to have said in court when ordered to revoke his 95 thesis against catholic church and its selling of indulgences. It means "I can't and won't revoke. Here I stand, I can't do other than that, may God help me. Amen."

"Ich kann auch anders." is what Germans say to announce: You're not doing right, I've been tollerating that so far but now I'll strike back: I can do it the other (by the means of "hard") way.

So I put those two dictums together and "Hier stehe ich, ich kann auch anders." was the result  8-).

Für Deutsche einfacher: Luthers "Hier stehe ich, ich kann nicht anders" vom Wormser Reichstag + "Ich kann auch anders!" = "Hier stehe ich, ich kann auch anders!".


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Offline GrahamB

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Ah, Vielen Dank, mein Freund, alles klaar!

(Google Translate: "You have a shrubbery in the shape of a terrapin, next Thursday")
At that moment the ship suddenly stopped rocking and swaying, the engine pitch settled down to a gentle hum. 'Hey Ford.' said Zaphod, 'that sounds good. Have you worked out the controls on this boat?' 'No,' said Ford, 'I just stopped fiddling with them.' (With thanks to Douglas Adams)

Offline playmofire

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Going off topic for a moment (sorry Playmofire!)...

Hai Junker-Jorg

I do enjoy your bilingual posts as it helps me develop my understanding of German. I struggled to translate your by-line (Hier stehe ich, ich kann auch anders) and came up with "here I stand, I can also otherwise" although Google translate gave "here I am, I can do it differently". What say you?

Not a problem, Graham, always glad to improve international understanding.
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Offline playmofire

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We started work on the layout on Sunday by painting the baseboards. There is a bit more to do now that the actual position of the track has been decided. Yesterday, Monday, was track laying day and it all went fairly smoothly. It's funny, no matter how much you plan on paper/computer and laying the track out beforehand, there is always something to change when you get to the venue! On the track laying side, smoothing out some curves on the outer, through loop, seemed a good idea as the track is within an inch or so of the edge and I don't want the 4052 leaving the track and landing on the floor.

The stations are in position and the pier/harbour, too, after a bit of redesigning. Today, it is finishing off the painting and detail laying out of buildings and vehicles etc. Opening day is Friday, so hopefully we'll get a day off to relax before then.

Here's a link to a test run of all the lines yesterday evening:
“Today well-lived makes every yesterday a day of happiness to remember and every tomorrow a vision of hope.”

Offline Junker Jörg

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Respekt! Das schaut klasse aus. Die Pendelstrecke zum Kai  ist mein absoluter Favorit. Am anderen Ende der Skala steht - ganz ehrlich - die Schlepptenderlok mit den Panoramawagen. Das paßt in meinen Augen so gar nicht zusammen  :'(. Der Fußgängerübergang mit Zäunchen und auch die Bahnsteige mit Sicherheitszaun zum anderen Gleis sind klasse - wobei die Bahnsteige fast noch ein wenig länger sein könnten, oder? Das schöne, alte Bahnhofshäuschen ist auch ein echter Hingucker, sehr schön.

Wow, that's a layout! The shutteling track to the quay and back's my absolute favourite. A tender loco pulling Panorama coaches though is not to my taste, to be honest. The fenced footpath crossing and platforms with safety-fences towards the neighbour track make a really nice detail (save your platforms could be a wee bit longer, couldn't they?). And this old style station building - simply great! I'm absolutely looking forward to what's next!

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Offline playmofire

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Respekt! Das schaut klasse aus. Die Pendelstrecke zum Kai  ist mein absoluter Favorit. Am anderen Ende der Skala steht - ganz ehrlich - die Schlepptenderlok mit den Panoramawagen. Das paßt in meinen Augen so gar nicht zusammen  :'(. Der Fußgängerübergang mit Zäunchen und auch die Bahnsteige mit Sicherheitszaun zum anderen Gleis sind klasse - wobei die Bahnsteige fast noch ein wenig länger sein könnten, oder? Das schöne, alte Bahnhofshäuschen ist auch ein echter Hingucker, sehr schön.

Wow, that's a layout! The shutteling track to the quay and back's my absolute favourite. A tender loco pulling Panorama coaches though is not to my taste, to be honest. The fenced footpath crossing and platforms with safety-fences towards the neighbour track make a really nice detail (save your platforms could be a wee bit longer, couldn't they?). And this old style station building - simply great! I'm absolutely looking forward to what's next!


Thank you, Stefan  The shuttle is my favourite part, too, and I now have two Playmobil shuttle units and two LGB ones, so they are a major part of my ideas for the future.

The 4052 with the Panorama coaches is meant to be a special "romance of steam" tour with modern day comfort.   I'm not too thrilled with running it with the short Playmobil coaches, but suitable LGB ones are far to expensive for me.

Yes, the fences on the platforms are a detail touch I've planned to make for some time, although the length of platforms depends on what I can buy in reasonable condition in the case of the old style low level platform.  In the meantime, the drivers are careful to stop so that all passengers can alight with as little need as possible to go through other coaches.

The old style station iis my version of the Victorian Gothic style country station, rather like the private station of local landowners.
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Offline VicKlicktor

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Congrats! Your layout is coming alive and every time it looks better!!! :clap:

Offline Junker Jörg

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I'm not too thrilled with running it with the short Playmobil coaches, but suitable LGB ones are far to expensive for me.
Why not scratchbuild long playmobil-coaches? It's fairly easy. Wie wär's mit einem Eigenbau? Geht eigentlich relativ einfach:

(1) Nimm zwei identisceh alte Waggons.
(2) Trenne den Rahmen an einer (nur an einer!) Seite auf die Länge des Wagenkastens. Schleife den Türrahmen ab und entferne die Haltegriffe, so daß die Wand glatt ist. Verfahre mit dem anderen Waggon genauso.
(3) Klebe beide Waggons zusammen.
(4) Kürze die Wagendächer.
(5) Fertig.

(1) Take two matching old coaches (same colour).
(2)  Cut frame on one side (only!!) to the length of coach "box" (how's that thing called properly?). Grind down doorframe on that side too and remove bars so the coach provides a smooth surface. Do so with 2nd coach as well.
(3) Glue both coaches togeather.
(4) Cut roofs to match boxes.
(5) This is it.

(Sorry no better quality available).Tut mir leid, ich hab's in keiner besseren Qualität.

(4) You might want to perfect its optics by replacing single bogies by double bogies (requiring a bit of work as double bogies need to be cut at two spots not to bump into the step).
(4) Du kannst das ganze noch dadurch abrunden, daß Du die Einzeldrehgestelle durch Doppeldrehgestelle ersetzt. Dabei mußt Du an zwei Stellen etwas aussägen, damit die Drehgestelle nicht gegen die Trittstufen schlagen.

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