Hello All
Here is the conclusion to 'The Mouse Game'.
If you have not all ready read (Part 1) it might be worth checking it out first otherwise (Part 2) will make about as much sense as a set of VCR instructions written in Japanese
http://www.playmofriends.com/forum/index.php?topic=1667.0. This is the final chapter of the story and answers the question posed to Derrick in (Part 1). I think that by now most of you have your own theory for where the mice came from

, lets see if you were right

. This is what happened in Derricks cell after his door was shut and a guard posted on the outside to listen for any suspicious noises.
Derrick is usually in bed for 7pm and is quite a restless sleeper

. As a result of this restlessness he tends to toss and turn quite a bit for the first couple of hours. As you can see not much happens for the first hour or so and there are no suspicious noises apart from Derrick snoring loudly
