I am looking to update my ‘
Visual Guide to version differences’ by eliminating any pictures which may infringe copyright. If you have any of the following and can supply me with pictures, I would be very grateful. Several of the pictures I need are from the Train and Fire themes, which I know are popular with some fellow collectors!
3145 Zoo. Picture of front of box (lower right hand corner) showing absence (V1) or presence (V2 or V3) of two felt pens.
3175 Headquarters (2002). Picture of the red sticker for the sign ‘Headquarters’ with four small pictograms.
3175 Fire House (2003). Picture of the red sticker for the sign ‘Fire Station Caserne des Pompiers’
3204x Policeman and Road signs. Picture of just the yellow sign ‘Umleitung’ (I think this is quite rare!)
3236 V3 Fire Truck #6. Picture of the sticker sheet with stickers ‘Feuerwehr, Brandweer, Fire Truck, Camion Pomiers, No.6’
3472V3 Backhoe Picture of cab showing blue sticker ‘Transport Union’ and red and white diagonal stripe stickers with black border (or picture of just the stickers)
3525V1 Hook and Ladder Truck #21. Picture of the truck itself (the red wheels, black deck version). Picture of the orange and white road barrier
3539V3 Police Patrol Boat. Picture of red and white underwater motor from this or any other set.
3603V2 Formula 1 Racing Car (Red) Picture of the red car.
4053V1 or 2 Work train. Picture of the work train (white roof) and flatbed truck , or picture of the box. I have a picture downloaded from Collectobil but I’m not sure I can use this.
4053V3. Work train Picture of the work train (black roof) and flatbed truck, or picture of the box.
Several trains sets. pictures of the two types of train hitch
30037460 and
30663830. The hitches could be both on the same picture, side by side.
4114 and several other sets. Picture of a section of straight
metal train track.
4122 Western Freight Car. Picture of the car or the set box (any version)
4622V1 Confederate soldier. Picture only of the hat with embossed crossed-swords insignia