Author Topic: Ghost knight?  (Read 3697 times)

Offline tahra

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Ghost knight?
« on: December 06, 2017, 20:44:35 »
This guy is not supposed to look like this.. or is he?

Though I am not fond of the sculpts... well...

Offline The_Mad_Hadder

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Re: Ghost knight?
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2017, 20:57:09 »
Looks as though he is missing his moulding injection pigment.

Unless it glows in the dark I dare say he was not intentional. Do you have a set number or was this a pick up at some swap/trade?
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Offline tahra

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Re: Ghost knight?
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2017, 21:05:24 »
Looks as though he is missing his moulding injection pigment.

Unless it glows in the dark I dare say he was not intentional. Do you have a set number or was this a pick up at some swap/trade?

I'm think he's not from a set, that is why I am asking.. Bought him in a local ads site... Because he  looked off ;D

Everyone knows I favor weird colors, right? (if not those neckpieces/armor/helmets..)

Offline StJohn

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Re: Ghost knight?
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2017, 22:35:48 »
I bet this is the 4434 Silver Knight stripped of his chrome coating. No idea what chemicals were used to achieve this, but that it is possible sends shivers down my spine. It would appear that new chrome is not indestructible :0

Still, nice to see what lies underneath. Thanks for showing, Tahra.

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Offline Klickteryx

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Re: Ghost knight?
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2017, 23:33:30 »
I bet this is the 4434 Silver Knight stripped of his chrome coating. No idea what chemicals were used to achieve this, but that it is possible sends shivers down my spine. It would appear that new chrome is not indestructible :0

Still, nice to see what lies underneath. Thanks for showing, Tahra.

Best wishes

My first thought too.

I know simple green strips the chrome off the old klickies, maybe it or similar will strip the new chrome off?

The next question is why would someone do this?

No, hang about, another possibility is that this is the armour off the anniversary golden knight which is prone to oxidising badly. That would explain why it was stripped.

Offline tahra

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Re: Ghost knight?
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2017, 10:38:37 »
I bet this is the 4434 Silver Knight stripped of his chrome coating. No idea what chemicals were used to achieve this, but that it is possible sends shivers down my spine. It would appear that new chrome is not indestructible :0

Still, nice to see what lies underneath. Thanks for showing, Tahra.

Hadn't thought of that... But usually it is NOT this color underneath.. And there should be SOME remains, no?  Anyawys, he'll pop, so... we'll see.

Also, that one is purple... Maybe I should ask the seller where he got him ;)

No, hang about, another possibility is that this is the armour off the anniversary golden knight which is prone to oxidising badly. That would explain why it was stripped.

I think that one is different - I got one sometime ago, and it's metallish..

Offline StJohn

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Re: Ghost knight?
« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2017, 12:27:38 »
Also, that one is purple...

The body colour looks identical, but the light is not  ideal. It might be different in daylight.

But it is true that Silver Knight is clean shaven, but yours has a stubble.

A mystery.

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Offline tahra

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Re: Ghost knight?
« Reply #7 on: December 07, 2017, 13:34:59 »
The body colour looks identical, but the light is not  ideal. It might be different in daylight.

But it is true that Silver Knight is clean shaven, but yours has a stubble.

The silver (anniversary) knight is purple. This one is red... No lights involved.

I asked. Now let's see if there is an answer.

Offline Hadoque

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Re: Ghost knight?
« Reply #8 on: December 08, 2017, 04:16:01 »
Looks as though he is missing his moulding injection pigment.

To me too it is the most logic explanation. A production error.
Congrats finding such armour & helmet! ;)

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Offline Klickteryx

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Re: Ghost knight?
« Reply #9 on: December 08, 2017, 05:10:49 »
To me too it is the most logic explanation. A production error.
Congrats finding such armour & helmet! ;)
Not very likely, I could understand if a single piece lacked the colour, but all the armour pieces? The helmet, visor, arms, gorget, legs - these are all different moulds. How then would several different pieces all lacking their colour make it though quality control?

It's more likely to be stripped from either the silver or gold knights as they both have the same type of armour, helmet and legs and all those pieces are present.