First, let me welcome you (late though this welcome is!) to the wonderful playmofriends forum.
Second, thanks for posting those pictures of vintage sets here, as well as sharing them through Axel Hennel's wonderful
Collector book.
I hope the pics are not too large for the forum. My apologies if they are.
Its great to get large pictures, so we can study the details. It depends on what platform one is viewing the pictures, but I quite often have to scroll a post sideways to see the right hand portion of pictures. This isn't a big problem, though. I think any picture wider than 1000 pixels will require scrolling.
I was interested to see you had opened a couple of your MISB boxes. That yellow male Indian set (3352x) is interesting as several of the parts differ in colour from the picture on the box. Here is my picture of the set (made by copying the box picture, collecting parts from different sources, not opening a MISB box!). Incidentally, this picture is 500 pixels wide
Here is your picture of the same set (768 pixels wide)
In your set the canoe is light brown (not white), the cuffs and necklace are blue (not red and green), the headband is yellow (same as the box) and the feather is not visible (red on the box). In another set shown on the canoe is light brown, the cuffs and necklace are green, the headband is red and the feather is white. The spear decorations are red and white in all three sources.
All of which goes to show how much the parts varied in colour in the early days and how hard it is to state with any certainty what a set contained!
If you ever find any more of your MISB boxes 'fall' open, it would be great to see pictures of the contents, even sealed in the plastic inner bag!
I was also puzzled why that Lyra set with two klickies in it stated on the box '1 klicky'. Is Greek counting somehow different?
(I reduced the image width from 1280 pixels to 640 pixels in that quote)